90 day rule for FIQ competitions


I heard a little rumour that the 90 day rule may be abolished shortly. Does anyone happen to have any information regarding this (the 90 day rule applies to new bowling balls, they can not be made unless the release date is 90 days before the start of the tournament, to give all countries equal opportunities).

If it is abolished, someone hook me up with the new Shock Trauma!

At Hong Kong the following rule applies:

17. Bowling Ball Procedure ¡V Rule 308

Prior to the start of competition all bowling balls used must be checked for compliance with Chapter VIII Bowling Ball Specifications for weight, balance, holes and surface hardness. If a bowling ball is removed from the place of the tournament, it must be re-checked before bowling in the next event.

New bowling balls approved less than two months prior to the first day of the month in which the official practise of the championships starts will not be allowed to use in the competition.

Note: The official list of approved bowling balls is published on the Internet web site www.bowl.com.

One can assume that this rule will probably apply in Thailand.
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