Our own George is featured in this at 2:20 . YouTube - 44th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup hammo
hamster Just a Bowler Nov 9, 2008 #1 Our own George is featured in this at 2:20 . YouTube - 44th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup hammo
bm2 I'm still standin' Nov 10, 2008 #2 opening ceremony pictures (thanks facebook!) good luck once again to both of you! Attachments n807339797_905788_6145.jpg 45.3 KB · Views: 97
wchester Bowling Tragic Nov 10, 2008 #3 What the hell was George thinking? It looked like he was wearing bloomers. LOL
AdrianS This is the future!!! Nov 10, 2008 #4 The guy from Cyprus is a worry, 7 boards drift left is ok but dunno in 1 step!!!
C cjallstar From the two board Nov 10, 2008 #5 looking at some of these bowlers makes you think what kind of conditions are they use to the guy from jersey was a little unsure of himself thought he was gunna fall at one stage
looking at some of these bowlers makes you think what kind of conditions are they use to the guy from jersey was a little unsure of himself thought he was gunna fall at one stage