Steve, I have you all in cSteve Lenton, Jim Bakirtzidis, Noelle Bakirtzidis, Jim Karakostas and Nick Koumandakis for C squad please
(i.e. the greek mafia)
regards Steve
Please enter Fely Shih, Susanne Jack and Brenda Kirkwood into C Squad. Transferred $150 today.
Steve, I have you all in cSteve Lenton, Jim Bakirtzidis, Noelle Bakirtzidis, Jim Karakostas and Nick Koumandakis for C squad please
(i.e. the greek mafia)
regards Steve
Please enter Fely Shih, Susanne Jack and Brenda Kirkwood into C Squad. Transferred $150 today.
Steve, I have you all in c
only 5spotsnow left in C Squad
Brenda , Fely & Suzanne- sorry now in B Squad
Hi Alice, thanks for your entries. B and C squads full at moment until deposits are required so we have put you in A squad for now and reserves for both.Hi Carol,
Dino has transferred $100 deposit this morning to cover the $50 deposit for both of us. First choice is B squad, followed by C squad if there ends up being any movement and we can get in. If not, then A squad.