Hi Carol Please add Rob Szumski to (A) squad and reserve for (B) squad please
Many thanks Jim K
Hi Jim
could you Please ask Rob to contact us
Carol -0403351501
Hi Carol Please add Rob Szumski to (A) squad and reserve for (B) squad please
Many thanks Jim K
Laurie I would like to thank you for bringing hammer balls to tweed tenpin last year over the weekend I found the dark legend hooked in well to bad I couldnt control it too well. At tweed I love using my rebel
Another Hammer Classic Done
Congratulations to Craig Pearsall and Tracey Crisp on their Wins . It was a close Finish with winners not decided till late game/Ball.
Only 1 x 300 game bowled - Shaun Cummings but not with a Hammer Ball so I get to save the $500.00 for next year.
After listening to many and talks between Batesy, Animal & I we are going back to the format of 18 games (10 & 8) -no Matchplay. We do hope that the bowlers will book their return flights later so that we can have the winners at the Presentation.
Thank you to all our sponsors, Brian & Caboolture Staff for a great tournament again.
Winner of the 1/2 Paid Spot is Rodger McGowan - please contact me asap with your preferred squad for 2018.
Craig and Tracey also please contact me regarding your preference.
Look forward to seeing you all again 2018
Have a safe trip home All
Carol & Brian
Done TraceyHi Carol & Brian Once again thanks for a great tournament. Will times be similiar to this year - 2018 "B" squad please TC
Bob Whybrow, James Harvey, Kevin Blackmore "C" squad please.
2018 entry will be out around md - please post thereTerry O'MEARA for B squad please