Strike-it Bowling
For Everything Bowling
The Entry Form for the 2015 TBAV State Championships to be held at Wyncity, is now available at:…
This Tournament is open to every 2015 TBA registered member residing in Victoria (including Albury), regardless of average or ability...
(An All Events entry in the Victorian 2015 State Championships is a pre-requisite for any bowlers wishing to participate in the following Victorian State Team Trials - 2015 Walter Rachuig, 2015 Senior Challenge,
2015 Restricted Teams Challenge, 2016 Youth Team Challenge and 2016 President’s Shield.)…
This Tournament is open to every 2015 TBA registered member residing in Victoria (including Albury), regardless of average or ability...
(An All Events entry in the Victorian 2015 State Championships is a pre-requisite for any bowlers wishing to participate in the following Victorian State Team Trials - 2015 Walter Rachuig, 2015 Senior Challenge,
2015 Restricted Teams Challenge, 2016 Youth Team Challenge and 2016 President’s Shield.)