In my opinion I think the numbers are down for this tournament due to the oil pattern lack of information and surety. I could be wrong its just a speculation. Full information about a ranked tournament oil pattern should be advised well in advance.
In some ways, advertising a pattern well in advance, shouldn't make a difference as to whether a bowler plays a tournament or not, having said that, it does give a basic guide to equipment possibly required and a base to play the right areas, but I think too much emphasis is placed on the almighty graph. The numbers are down for this due to time of year, poor lack of local support from not just bowlers in Newcastle but the Central Coast and surrounds, and other bowlers pulling out last minute (way to support a local tournament).
They wanted to get the lane pattern sorted well in advance and were trying to borrow a machine to lay down a WTBA pattern but it wasn't to be, the next best thing was to figure out a pattern that could be done with the machine from the other centre and a Kegel rep didn't complete this till very late in the piece.
The pattern laid down ended up being quite tough, with a premium on making good shots mixed with a bit of luck, but offered areas of attack for both low rev and high rev players.
I am sure this tournament will be back better and stronger next year, with a few different ideas, probably an easier pattern to make the bowlers happier and not so stressed and a different time of year to hopefully attract a few more entries.
Ah Michael, nostalgia..............I followed the scores all weekend - ( great job by Michael Johnson ) - but, I digress: as I said, nostalgia: I really thought looking at the scores that I was watching a re-run of the 'National All-Star ' Tourny of 1962. I only realised my error when I couldn't find Eric Jang's game scores, and I felt sure that he had won it !
You really can't ask for anything more in this day and age with such a diversity of shots being employed.
If it played that way, then well done to all involved.
The pattern did not matter for me in my desicion not to bowl, it was poor form and timing. The date simply did not fit in so late in the year as the bigger priority.
As for the pattern, if you throw the ball well, you will score well compared to others. Like Michael mentioned, early pattern nomination gives a guide. I think knowing the length is probably all you really need to know.
I mainly pulled out coz of money. It was either this or the kids prezzies. But would of pulled out anyway as i got gout in my middle finger on my RH.
Its a shame to have a tourny down the road(less than 2 hrs car ride) and not be able to make it. I bowled Newcastle last year and the turnout was not very big either, about 25 of us i think?
Maybe time to have a scratch of the old noggin and try to find a way to get some more attendance? or more importantly try and figure out why it isnt popular? are the locals scared of non walled patterns? Maybe cut the entry fee?
Wasn't referring to you John, a lack of local support from around the region let this tournament down.
Michael, I was not being critical of the lower scoring, I happen to think that scoring in that sort of range, by a field of good bowlers is more realistic than a 300 or two bowled somewhere just about every day. That scoring does look similar to a 1962 top field of bowlers scoring averages. Different sets of skills required to produce them, then and now, but I agree with you that there's nothing wrong with a reality check.Nothing wrong with some lower scoring to give us all a reality check Jimit was certainly a pattern that highlighted any flaws in your game, and the format also leant itself to the scores not being super high, at the end of the day it meant zip qualifying on top with highest pinfall.
Hey Michael,
All good, I did not take it that way.
The point i was making was more that the timing was probably bad for this one and the biggest factor for many, like events in the Illawarra, too far out of the city to make travel easy and all adding to the cost.
The pattern, doesn't matter so much as long as you know the length you have a fair idea of were to play.
Cost was probably a big one for the guys that played nationals and had a squillian attempts. The fact that unlimited attempts are allowed still baffles me. Supprised to see you could bowl more than one squad here also.
Any hoot, not my call or business to care much about.
Have a great Christmas Michael. Or should I say, Happy Holidays to be politically correct.