what a funny post you & jason are very good bowlers with many years of experience & both of you boast in your sigs how good ball drillers you are you would think you would be able to drill balls for such conditions, try drilling a bottom wighted ball maybe 2 ozs, 3/4 negative, 3/4 thumb also perhaps a convetional or semi might help
No doubt we could and did. For a 25ml pattern that was posted with 80 units up front. When the tape readings posted in the pro shop window come back at 50 units, up front, a quick bit of arithmetic says there's about 3/8 of the volume missing on a worn, high friction surface (HPL-9000). Guess what? 3/8 of 25mls means it plays like 16-17mls, which is exactly what it played like. These things happen unfortunately. The gear I expected to be throwing never saw daylight.
So sorry, I left my league balls at home. They'd have been pretty good off the 5th arrow. I'm bloody annoyed about forgetting them and packing for what was posted. That's the joy of traveling. You have to make some cuts, so you plan for the pattern and the surface. The one ball I had with a 4000 grit polished cover and pin-down, 6" pin to PAP was still too strong off 27 board. That's when I ran out of approach on every even lane and the ball returns are too far down the approach to squeeze 5 steps in before the foul line, or I would have gone there and lofted the capping.
So having exhausted those options, adjustments in speed, loft reduction, release angle and tilt also showed little promise. Oh yeah, the urethane ball I had looked awful too. Tried that. Now does anyone still think I didn't try enough adjustment?
My day was clearly over and things were getting extremely frustrating. I chose to exit quietly with what dignity I had left, of the opinion that I was setting a good example by cutting my losses without losing my temper. Clearly some people who didn't play in the event think otherwise. If they wish to pay my entry fees, I'm happy to do whatever they want with regard to this.
I have my opinion. Others have theirs. In the words of Peter Brock, what other people think of me is none of my business. But please refrain from shoving it down my throat.
I sit here explaining myself to people for no good reason other than to set a good example to our younger players. Learn everything you can and employ it when you need to. Even then, some days, it just won't be enough. If it really gets that bad, withdraw politely if you think you're getting hot under the collar without an escape. It truly is a better option for everyone.
To answer your question Peter, I have used use a relaxed fingertip span with 1/2" reverse in the fingers since about 1989. I get more revs with a conventional grip and less speed. (Hangs on my hand too long. Tried that one in the 80's.) And static weights are less than 5% of reaction. It's in the USBC Ball Motion Study released a while back.
Let's get this thread back to the tournament results. Good luck tomorrow folks. Bowl well.
p.s. Thanks Tyson and Jim for standing up for me.