2009 Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited Membership Benefits Announcement

Enquired last Monday night with our league secretary when we could expect our membership cards. He informed us that TBA (head office) would be posting memberships to every individual.

Obviously we are paying to much for memberships if they can afford to waste $10,000+ on postage. Sure there could be better areas that sort of money could be spent.
The membership registrations are not being done by TBA head office but through Sporting Pulse which apparently specialises in sport team registrations. Each centre and association (those that have applied) have been given limited access to enable all memberships to be processed by either the centre or local association directly with Sporting Pulse. The instructions state that all memberships should be input before the 16th of each month, Sporting Pulse will then produce the membership cards on a monthly basis, send to TBA for checking and then will be posted out to individual members. I am waiting to see when the first batch input by the 16th February will be received or whether the first batch will not be processed till the 16th March when the entries for the holiday prize close.

Each registered centre/association will be able to access membership lists for their own centre/association and print out the listings sorted by leagues. I personally will then be giving the lists to the league secretary so they can see all the bowlers registered in my association for their league.
Would we be better off getting something like the old paper membership cards from somewhere and the paperwork getting done by local association officials? Seems like now its waiting in a pile somewhere and might get done after this mob finish doing the membership cards for Canoe Polo and Calisthenics
For the last 5 years as Association secretary I have always done the memberships on a Centre or State based. The national office has never done the membership cards as far as I am aware. The membership cards were bulk printed and provided by TBA head office but preparing the cards for individual bowlers, laminating & distributing them etc were don by each centre/state.

Like any national sporting body Im sure the head office staff have plenty to do with administering our sport on a national level.
Like any national sporting body Im sure the head office staff have plenty to do with administering our sport on a national level.

Like what? Implementing an online membership system that isn't ready to go when it is supposed be online for instance!

Sorry guys you can sugar coat it all you like but the truth is the TBA have not shown any competence in the least to administer our sport in 2009 from what I've seen so far.
That is the whole point WHY pay a Registration fee to a National Body who has done nothing to promote the sport in Australia.

Our State and Local Associations promote Tenpin bowling a lot more and they do not receive any monies from TBA Registration fees.

So maybe each State association should collect the fees and give the National Body $5.00 per membership received as a reward for being the National Body. This way the State bodies could set up and fund "FREE AWRDS" & a lot more "Coaching / Training" session for all our members plus promote within the local Bowling Centres thru-out the State.

The National body could then focus on the elite bowlers & not have to worry about or listen to our Normal (average) League bowlers who make up about 95% of all registrations........:cool::rolleyes:
I'd pay $27.50 for this and only this.

"Personal Accident Insurance Package

On behalf of all registered members TBA has secured a valuable Personal accident insurance package with Sports Underwriting Australia, the cost of which is included in the membership fee.

The cover provides benefits to TBA members. The package includes coverage for death, injury or disability caused by an injury happening during accredited TBA sporting events arranged by your Local, State or National TBA association.

For an Injury to be covered it must occur when Insured Persons are:

taking part in a TBA accredited competition, game or performance; or
attending a TBA social function or training session; or
travelling to or from a TBA accredited competition, game, performance, social function, training session or
involved in a TBA administrative activity; or
staying away from their usual place of residence overnight in order to take part in a TBA accredited competition, game, performance, social function, training session or administrative activities.
This policy includes capital benefits. loss of earning benefits and additional benefits including funeral expenses. student help, home help, parents inconvenience allowance and payment of non Medicare medical costs."

I don't understand how this isn't beneficial to anyone? I would rather be covered than want some awards system set up. I'm pretty sure this covers the "average league bowler" too and it is DEFINATELY worth the $27.50 that you pay.

Have a read of this too http://hosting3.sportingpulse.com/www.tenpin.org.au/fileadmin/user_upload/About_Us/Strategic_Plan/TBA0905_proposal_2.pdf

The TBA has goals for the future. However there's this thing called money that they need to get them on their way to acheiving them. Stop complaining, pay your $27.50 and help build up the sport you love.
I agree with Porto it is small price to pay for the insurance alone. I think the bulk of the fee would end up with the insurance company. My father a few weeks back got hung up on a sticky approach resulting in a heavy fall during a social bowl. He broke 4 ribs and sprained his knee. Now he is out of action for 8 weeks. If that happened to me during a league game I want to be covered. Cheers.
Postie delivered our membership cards today.........though not a card as such, will be ok once we laminate them. ;)
ooo got mine too, to go with my BTBA card and my temporary TQI card(the joys of bowling in different leauges in QLD!!)
I got mine as well. I don't like that we have been given a different membership number, but oh well, I hope the number stays the same in future years.
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