Hi All
I wish to formally anounce that the Queensland Junior Shield Tournament (Rockhampton) will now be held in Rockhampton on 10-11-12 JULY 2009 (last weekend of the School Holidays) - Nomination forms and advice forms will be sent to everyone at a later date.
This will be the 21st Year of this Tournament and it will be a great event.
I am also happy to announce that on 16-17-18 January 2009 Rocky's Tenpin Carnival for Junior Bowlers will be held. This in many ways will be similar to the Qubica-AMF Teams Challenge being bowled on the same weekend which is for Youth and Adults.
Once again the rules for this Junior Carnival are simple.
Teams of 4 (min 4 with max of 5 players)
Mixed teams with at least 1 of opposite sex.
Max 3 teams from any one centre/association.
Players may be obtained from other centres/assocations.
Based on 16 teams competing
15 head to head games to be played
1 point for an individual win and 2 for team win (6 in total)
Scratch and Handicap divisions in the one tournament
A Min prize pool of $3,000 to be won.
Both Scratch and Handicap winers will receive
1st $600 2nd $500 3rd $400 = $1500 per division
Team Nomination $300.00 per team.
Nomination forms will be sent this week or email your interest to
This tournament will be played on the new Qubica AMF SPL Lanes in Rockhampton.
This tournament sponsored by the Rockhampton Junior Tenpin Bowling Association and the Rockhampton Tenpin Bowl.