To be honest, the pattern reminds me ALOT of the one held at Melbourne Cup where because there wasnt a lefty good enough to swing it inside 10, the top was dominated by right handed power players. You and Brando throwing 260s against each other in qualifying was great to watch, and how you didn't fit a 300 in there somewhere still to this day is mindboggling.
Given this is on a more agressive surface (HPL as opposed to Anvilane) and the house generally has a low corner count, I would say the power players definately have the advantage if the right can hold up long enough to get through qualifying. Look for Brando, Matt Riley and Mick Little to have great looks out on that!
The left however, with Brenton, Andrew, Porto and Frillingos may still score high if they get their angles out of the soup in the middle right. 3 of those lefties are in unbelievable form early in the year, and I know at least 2 of them have won in that centre previously (not sure about you Brenton, add your name if you have also

Brett, is their any truth to the rumours that the decks are going to me a mixture of new AND worn pins? if there is, can we re-rack until we get a new pin as the headpin and the old pins at the corners?