Important Changes to the 2007 Western Open
Since we only have 5 girls at the moment, We will still run a womens seperate division, payout will be advised shortley. However the Women will have a chance to cash in both divisions but will not recieve a trophy. Unless more entry's it would probably only be 1st and 2nd payout.
Those in RED have paid deposits, or have paid entirely.
Limited to 40 bowlers only
1. Sir Jim Murray
2. Brad Reggars Free Spot
3. Leon Reggars
4. Mark Mitchell 1/2 Spot
5. Ricky Carlos
6. Martin Manning
7. Dwayne Sargent
8. Peter Martin
9. Cam Smith
10. Paul Chambers
11. George Frillingos
12. Cameron Walsh
13. Jason Walsh
14. Nick Grey
15. Brandon Qualischefski
16. Steven Hampson
17. Shayne Melton
18. Brendan Meads
19. Dale Stewart
20. Adam Hayward
21. Ben Taylor
22. Adam Jefferd
23. luke Rafton
24. Owen Mckay
25. Carl Bottomley
26. Tony Hamilton Free Spot
27. Jason Pearson 1/2 spot
28. Bob Hardie
29. John Whillans
30. Brad Sharpe Free Spot
31. Terry Wenban
32. David Cupit
33. Luke Green
34. Darren Suna
35. Rhyss Jones
36. Justin Edwards
37. Sir David Turnage
38. Danny Dalligon
39. Andrew Christopher
40. Darryl Alford
41. Arron Hewlett
42. Brian Looby
43. Brian Pilkington
Ladies limited to 10
1. Gayle Healy
2. Mel Warmington
3. Jodie Hampson
4. Taya Reggars
5. Jenny Walsh
6. Kate Wilton
One more spot to fill this Tournament.