2006 Shur Graphics Under 21 Cup

It is that time of year for the Shur Graphics Under 21 cup. Proudly brought to you by the Melbourne Tenpin Bowling Association.

All details are on the attched entry form, any queries do not hesitate to ask.

Your in bowling
John Costantini
MTBA Director


  • SHUR GRAPHICS 2006.pdf
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Glad you asked:

The cost for EastCoast Roll offs for 2006 will be as follows:

Adults/Over 50's: $250 ($100 dep with entry, blance due 1st roll off)

Under 21: $180 ($100 dep with entry, blance due 1st roll off).

All relevant details will be posted shortly.

For any other questions/comments, please place a post or contact the MTBA via email on melbtenpinbowlass@iprimus.com.au and the directors of the MTBA will respond asap.

As they say in the classics: "Watch this space"


Opps my bad:

Stage 1 roll off will be held June 3/4 at Moorabbin

Stage 2 Roll off combined with MTBA Championships, 17/18/25 June Sunshine

Stage 3 Roll off 15/16 July Dandenong

EastCoast this year will be held in Sydney, Fairfeild lanes.

Hope this helps.

More to come
Thought I'd get this back to the top...

Only 3 weeks till this great event is run. This is a great tourni and heaps of fun, plus a great first prize.

Keep those entries coming
To all under 21 bowlers this is a great tournment please get your entries in early as spots are limited . If any one need a entry please pm me with detail and l will get one to you.
Yours Leanne Healey
President/tournment director
entries where posted to all bowling centres to put on display l will send you more today, Chris this is one tournment .
Thank Leanne
KnuckleHead said:
Haven't seen any entry form of either tournnament at Forest Hill Bowl.

Have seen the Shur Graphics entry form in centres, also Chris there is a PDF at the top of this post...
To all bowler here is a updated listing for 19th shurgraphics at Mooroolabark
9.oo am

Emma Robbins
Ross ONeil-Hall
Barry Dwyer
Dylan Healey

11.00 am
Brendan Murphy
Josh Morel
dylan Healey
Tracey Madden

Thier is only a week left and one that whats to place a pm to me can do so but you will need to get deposits to the office to comfirm your spot.
I will me in the office tommorrow if any one wishes to do entry over phone
Yours Leanne Healey
Squad A
dylan Healey
Ross ONeil Hall
Emma Robbins
Rick Baird
Barry Dywer

Squad B
Tracey Madden
Ben Tait
Samantha Allen
Josh Morel
BRendan Murphy
Felicity Murphy
Natashna Vella

Keep those entries coming I will be in the office again on today or on Saturday or Sunday if any one wishes to give me a ring all leave thier deposit at office
Thank you Leanne Healey
Aa at 4.30pm on Wednesday the 8th march the list is as follows

9am squad
Dylan Healey
Ross O Neil Hall
Emma Robbins
Megan Hogg
Barry Dwyer

Ben Tait
Tracey Madden
Josh Morel
Brendan Murphy
Flecitiy Murphy
Tara Bull
Jayden Kalman
Jerome Wattel
Natashna Vella
Dylan Healey
Samathna allen

Any on wishing to place a entry please pm me or you can give the office a ring on Saturday as l will be at the office
Thank you Leanne Healey
any one wishing to add please send be a pm but also remember you deposits are also required in the office by Tuesday and l will be at the office on Saturday.
Thanks Leanne Healey

9 am sqaud
dylan healey
Ross ONeil Hall
Emma Robbins
Natashna Vella
Chris Cooper
Megan Hogg
Kimberely Johnson?
Barry Dwyer
Amy Walker
Rick Baird
11 am
Tracey Madden
Felictiy Murphy
Josh Moral
Brendan Murphy
Dylan Healey
Ben Tait
Tara Bull
Jerome W
Samathna Allen
Jayden Kalman
Chris if you want to bowl Shur Graphics let me know , i read your profile and it says you are 25 . For $50 i can do you a beautiful new birth certificate .
If you want to have a go at Eastcoast you will need a nice pair of slacks and a bullet proof vest , i think it is at Fairfield .

P.S Never dance near Paul Bast at Eastcoast he is dangerous

So Guys one week to go. So keep those entries coming

9am Squad

Dylan Healey
barry Dwyer
Ross O Neil Hall
Emma Robbins
Kimbley Johnson
Megan Hogg
Chris Cooper
Amy Walker
Adam Niemeir
Rick Baird
Natashna Vella

11 am Squad
Dylan Healey
Tracey Madden
Josh Morel
Brendan Muphy
Felicity Murphy
Jaydan Kalman
john Allen
Samantha Allen
Tara Bull
Ben Tait
Jerome W
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