2005 V.I.P. Classic

Entries received so far

Andrew Phillips?
*Hayden George
*Jayson Griggs
*Mark Foster
Ashley Riley
Damian Crick
Garry Crick
*Chris Acuavera
Mark Vass
Warren Donnelly
Mathew Dickson
Steve Smith
Ted Bagley
*CHris Commane

*Kassey Fechner
Jackie Crick
Debbie Riley


Phillip Finearty
Ben Frith
Joseph Moraitis
Bruce Potter
*Darrell Goerge
Scott Allen

Andrea McCoull

*Indicated bowling but as yet no entry received
Sorry Bruv after talking with Colin those that have posted here that they intend to bowl we will place their entries into the early bird draw. As the entry sheets did not get to lonny as early as we would have liked.As for paying you can pay on the day.

Entries received so far

Andrew Phillips?
Hayden George
Jayson Griggs
Mark Foster
Ashley Riley
Damian Crick
Garry Crick
Chris Acuavera
Mark Vass
Warren Donnelly
Mathew Dickson
Steve Smith
Ted Bagley
CHris Commane

Kassey Fechner
Jackie Crick
Debbie Riley
Anne-Louise Potter


Phillip Finearty
Ben Frith
Joseph Moraitis
Bruce Potter
Darrell Goerge
Scott Allen
Chris Springer
Rodney Foley

Andrea McCoull
Nana Heth
Sorry Bruv after talking with Colin those that have posted here that they intend to bowl we will place their entries into the early bird draw. As the entry sheets did not get to lonny as early as we would have liked.As for paying you can pay on the day.

Entries received so far

Andrew Phillips?
Hayden George
Jayson Griggs
Mark Foster
Ashley Riley
Damian Crick
Garry Crick
Chris Acuavera
Mark Vass
Warren Donnelly
Mathew Dickson
Steve Smith
Ted Bagley
Chris Commane
Norm Green
Colin Sculthorpe
Chris Males
Aaron Franklin

Kassey Fechner
Jackie Crick
Debbie Riley
Anne-Louise Potter


Phillip Finearty
Ben Frith
Joseph Moraitis
Bruce Potter
Darrell Goerge
Scott Allen
Chris Springer
Rodney Foley

Andrea McCoull
Nana Heth
Kaitlyn Commane
Jeanine Commane
Julie Sculthorpe
Diane Backhouse
Janet Jones
Lyn Hawkes
Allison Potter
Kylie Oakley
I beleive Alan Coleman is after some spending money for his overseas trip, so he's bowling.
Entries received so far

Andrew Phillips?
Hayden George
Jayson Griggs
Mark Foster
Ashley Riley
Damian Crick
Garry Crick
Chris Acuavera
Mark Vass
Warren Donnelly
Mathew Dickson
Steve Smith
Ted Bagley
Chris Commane
Norm Green
Colin Sculthorpe
Chris Males
Aaron Franklin
Alan Coleman

Kassey Fechner
Jackie Crick
Debbie Riley
Anne-Louise Potter


Phillip Finearty
Ben Frith
Joseph Moraitis
Bruce Potter
Darrell Goerge
Scott Allen
Chris Springer
Rodney Foley
Chris O'Shea

Andrea McCoull
Nana Heth
Kaitlyn Commane
Jeanine Commane
Julie Sculthorpe
Diane Backhouse
Janet Jones
Lyn Hawkes
Allison Potter
Kylie Oakley
Entries received so far

Andrew Phillips?
Hayden George
Jayson Griggs
Mark Foster
Ashley Riley
Damian Crick
Garry Crick
Chris Acuavera
Mark Vass
Warren Donnelly
Mathew Dickson
Steve Smith
Ted Bagley
Chris Commane
Norm Green
Colin Sculthorpe
Chris Males
Aaron Franklin
Alan Coleman
Adam Lucock
Matt Crammond

Kassey Fechner
Jackie Crick
Debbie Riley
Anne-Louise Potter


Phillip Finearty
Ben Frith
Joseph Moraitis
Bruce Potter
Darrell Goerge
Scott Allen
Chris Springer
Rodney Foley
Chris O'Shea
Marshall Collins

Andrea McCoull
Nana Heth
Kaitlyn Commane
Jeanine Commane
Julie Sculthorpe
Diane Backhouse
Janet Jones
Lyn Hawkes
Allison Potter
Kylie Oakley
hey greg elkin down for open
ill bring mine and gregs entry forms in tomorrow night paul!!!

put me in to champ,im rolling the ball great at the moment and my head is in the right place for a change,im looking forward to it actually
Entries received so far

Andrew Phillips?
Hayden George
Jayson Griggs
Mark Foster
Ashley Riley
Damian Crick
Garry Crick
Chris Acuavera
Mark Vass
Mathew Dickson
Steve Smith
Ted Bagley
Chris Commane
Norm Green
Chris Males
Aaron Franklin
Alan Coleman
Adam Lucock
Matt Crammond
Paul Lucock
Greg Elkin
Jason Commane
Barry Roussow

Kassey Fechner
Jackie Crick
Debbie Riley
Anne-Louise Potter


Phillip Finearty
Ben Frith
Joseph Moraitis
Darrell Goerge
Scott Allen
Chris Springer
Rodney Foley
Chris O'Shea
Marshall Collins
Coiln Sculthorpe
Warren Donnelly

Andrea McCoull
Nana Heth
Kaitlyn Commane
Jeanine Commane
Julie Sculthorpe
Diane Backhouse
Janet Jones
Lyn Hawkes
Kylie Oakley
Carol Huxley
Entries received so far

Andrew Phillips?
Hayden George
Jayson Griggs
Mark Foster
Ashley Riley
Damian Crick
Garry Crick
Chris Acuavera
Mark Vass
Mathew Dickson
Steve Smith
Ted Bagley
Chris Commane
Norm Green
Chris Males
Aaron Franklin
Alan Coleman
Adam Lucock
Matt Crammond
Paul Lucock
Greg Elkin
Jason Commane
Barry Roussow
Ted Tylutki

Kassey Fechner
Jackie Crick
Debbie Riley
Anne-Louise Potter


Phillip Finearty
Ben Frith
Joseph Moraitis
Darrell Goerge
Scott Allen
Chris Springer
Rodney Foley
Chris O'Shea
Marshall Collins
Coiln Sculthorpe
Warren Donnelly

Andrea McCoull
Nana Heth
Kaitlyn Commane
Julie Sculthorpe
Diane Backhouse
Janet Jones
Lyn Hawkes
Kylie Oakley
Carol Huxley

As for the prize payout that has not been finalised as yet due to entries still coming in and people pulling out.Last year being it our 1st tournament and response we got we thought instead of increasing the payout we would add a few more spots into the final and this year we will be doing the same.

Payout last year was:
Scratch....... Graded
1st $500....... $400
2nd $300....... $250
3rd $200....... $200
4th $150....... $150
5th $100....... $100
6th $80........ $80
7th $55........ $55
8th $55

With 23-24 men in the scratch division it may end up that the top 7 or 8 will go through to the final.
We will just have to wait and see how many turn up on sunday.
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