2005 SA Cup Squad Listings

Hey Guys,

Can you please add David Turnage to B squad please


aka (Captain Freehook)
B Squad for the 2005 South Australian Cup is almost full! After the final position fills, we will be taking reserves, on "first come first served" basis for this squad, however there is of course no guarantee that reserves will be able to get into the squad.

There are still 22 spaces left in the A Squad of the tournament.

The current squad listings are below. Could all bowlers who have not provided a phone number, please do so by private message.

1 Carl Barbara
2 Frank Bell
3 Ben Billing SA
4 Michael Charile VIC
5 Ian Cockburn VIC
6 Barry Dodds VIC
7 Mark Dodds VIC
8 Isaac Elliott SA
9 Robert Elliott SA
10 Paul Francis VIC
11 Rob Garioch VIC
12 Rudi Gross SA
13 Len Hogg VIC
14 Felicity Hutchins NT
15 Justin Lowe
16 Alan Notman
17 Graeme O'Connor
18 Craig O'Neil
19 Vince Pearson WA
20 Terry Silva VIC
21 Graham Simpson SA
22 David Sniedze SA
23 Bob Stewart SA
24 Mac Stewart VIC
25 Paul Trotter VIC
26 Shane Vanharten VIC

B SQUAD - 1 Space Left
1 David Asher
2 Jason Belmonte NSW
3 Richard Brown
4 Paul Campbell VIC
5 Craig Chandler VIC
6 Brenton Davy SA
7 Lance Dyer VIC
8 Steven Eeles VIC
9 Jeff Elliott SA
10 Daryl George TAS
11 Hayden George TAS
12 Russell Gunn VIC
13 Peter Hammond
14 Colin Hunt SA
15 Matt Kanafa SA
16 Alex Klass SA
17 Dave Kuhn SA
18 Adam Lack QLD
19 Jarrod Lean NSW
20 Chris Lee
21 Brad Lipp QLD
22 Mark Malloy VIC
23 Andrew McArthur NT
24 James McGinty NSW
25 Robert Modra SA
26 Jason Pearson QLD
27 Clinton Phelps WA
28 Brenton Poole SA
29 David Porto VIC
30 Brandon Qualischefski QLD
31 Zane Que QLD
32 Mick Rajevick
33 Ashley Riley TAS
34 Ben Shearer SA
35 James Sitters NSW
36 Graham Soar SA
37 Adam Spencer SA
38 Shane Staehr VIC
39 Tony Stoppel SA
40 Brad Tanner SA
41 Adam Thomas ACT
42 Chris Thomas ACT
43 Leo Torres VIC
44 David Turnage QLD
45 Ronald Voukolos NT
46 Jason Walsh NSW
47 Ashley Warren SA
daniel, micky z put his name down for 'B' squad on the 23 dec last year and his name was there on a squad listing. However on the most recent list his name is not there. He told me he organised it with you so could you please clear this up and put his name back into 'B' squad.


matty kanafa
daniel, micky z put his name down for 'B' squad on the 23 dec last year and his name was there on a squad listing. However on the most recent list his name is not there. He told me he organised it with you so could you please clear this up and put his name back into 'B' squad.


matty kanafa
Matt, yeah you are correct... dont know how that's disappeared. He sent me an SMS.. i'll add him back in, Rory I will have to list you as first reserve, sorry about that.

rory, micky did have his entry in on the 23rd, prehaps even sooner. so he did get his entry fee in way before you, no offense. we made sure that every one that was staying at my place was put in B so that we do not have to make several trips to the bowl

Are you going to stick around for the whole block this time Rory :p

It's not first paid best in, it's last paid butt's out. :)
The listings are made based on when bowlers nominate for the squads, not when their deposit is paid. In response to your question however, most bowlers have paid a deposit and the few that havent most probably have a cheque in the mail to AMF Cross Road.

You may still get a chance to bowl in B as bowlers sometimes change squads or pull out due to flight restrictions etc.

Thats cool, I was just checking, thanks anyways...

Ben: Either keep your dumbass comments to yourself, or tell them to my face and stop hiding behind the forum... :x

It was a joke 'dude'. Keep the temper under the covers.

All in good fun n' spirit :)
Ladies and Gentlemen, here are the current listings for the SA Cup.

There are 7 spaces left in A SQUAD.
(The final spot in B will first be offered to reserves before being released to all bowlers)

A SQUAD - 7 Spaces Left
1 Alan Notman
2 Barry Dodds VIC
3 Ben Billing SA
4 Bill Johnson SA
5 Bob Stewart SA
6 Brenton Poole SA
7 Carl Barbara
8 Chris Mowat SA
9 Craig O'Neil
10 David Sniedze SA
11 Felicity Hutchins NT
12 Frank Bell
13 Geoff Barry SA
14 George Frilingos QLD
15 Gordon Colmer SA
16 Graeme O'Connor
17 Graham Simpson SA
18 Ian Cockburn VIC
19 Isaac Elliott SA
20 Joe Weisz SA
21 Justin Lowe
22 Lance Dyer VIC
23 Len Hogg VIC
24 Mac Stewart VIC
25 Mark Dodds VIC
26 Michael Charile VIC
27 Paul Francis VIC
28 Paul Trotter VIC
29 Rob Garioch VIC
30 Robert Elliott SA
31 Rory Kay SA
32 Rudi Gross SA
33 Scott Smith SA
34 Shane Vanharten VIC
35 Shane Tunnah SA
36 Shaun Parlby SA
37 Steve Barrett SA
38 Steven Eeles VIC
39 Tavis Johnson SA
40 Terry Silva VIC
41 Vince Pearson WA

1 Adam Lack QLD
2 Adam Spencer SA
3 Adam Thomas ACT
4 Alex Klass SA
5 Andrew McArthur NT
6 Ashley Riley TAS
7 Ashley Warren SA
8 Ben Shearer SA
9 Brad Lipp QLD
10 Brad Tanner SA
11 Brandon Qualischefski QLD
12 Brenton Davy SA
13 Chris Lee
14 Chris Thomas ACT
15 Clinton Phelps WA
16 Colin Hunt SA
17 Craig Chandler VIC
18 Daryl George TAS
19 Dave Kuhn SA
20 David Asher
21 David Porto VIC
22 David Turnage QLD
23 Graham Soar SA
24 Hayden George TAS
25 James McGinty NSW
26 James Sitters NSW
27 Jarrod Lean NSW
28 Jason Belmonte NSW
29 Jason Pearson QLD
30 Jason Walsh NSW
31 Jeff Elliott SA
32 Leo Torres VIC
33 Mark Malloy VIC
34 Matt Robertson VIC
35 Matt Kanafa SA
36 Mick Rajevick
37 Mick Zentveld QLD
38 Paul Campbell VIC
39 Peter Hammond
40 Richard Brown
41 Robert Modra SA
42 Ronald Voukolos NT
43 Russell Gunn VIC
44 Sam Parrella SA
45 Shane Staehr VIC
46 Tony Stoppel SA
47 Zane Que QLD
Hi Daniel,

Can you please make the following change.

Lance Dyer
Steven Eeles

Can you please move both bowlers from "B" sqaud to "A" sqaud.

Thanks Heaps

Any problems dont hesitate to contact me.
hi daniel can u please take ben billing out of a squad due to work he cannot bowl
Update - 19/1/05

A Squad

1 Alan Notman
2 Barry Dodds VIC
3 Bob Stewart SA
4 Carl Barbara
5 Chris Mowat SA
6 Craig O'Neil
7 David Sniedze SA
8 Felicity Hutchins NT
9 Frank Bell
10 Geoff Barry SA
11 George Frilingos QLD
12 Gordon Colmer SA
13 Graeme O'Connor
14 Graham Simpson SA
15 Ian Cockburn VIC
16 Isaac Elliott SA
17 Joe Weisz SA
18 Justin Lowe
19 Lance Dyer VIC
20 Len Hogg VIC
21 Mac Stewart VIC
22 Mark Dodds VIC
23 Michael Charile VIC
24 Paul Francis VIC
25 Paul Trotter VIC
26 Rob Garioch VIC
27 Robert Elliott SA
28 Rory Kay SA
29 Rudi Gross SA
30 Scott Smith SA
31 Shane Vanharten VIC
32 Shane Tunnah SA
33 Shaun Parlby SA
34 Steve Barrett SA
35 Steven Eeles VIC
36 Tavis Johnson SA
37 Terry Silva VIC
38 Vince Pearson WA

B Squad

1 Adam Lack QLD
2 Adam Spencer SA
3 Adam Thomas ACT
4 Alex Klass SA
5 Andrew McArthur NT
6 Ashley Riley TAS
7 Ashley Warren SA
8 Ben Shearer SA
9 Bill Johnson SA
10 Brad Lipp QLD
11 Brandon Qualischefski QLD
12 Brenton Davy SA
13 Brenton Poole SA
14 Chris Lee
15 Chris Thomas ACT
16 Clinton Phelps WA
17 Colin Hunt SA
18 Craig Chandler VIC
19 Daryl George TAS
20 Dave Kuhn SA
21 David Asher
22 David Porto VIC
23 David Turnage QLD
24 Graham Soar SA
25 Hayden George TAS
26 James McGinty NSW
27 James Sitters NSW
28 Jarrod Lean NSW
29 Jason Belmonte NSW
30 Jason Pearson QLD
31 Jason Walsh NSW
32 Jeff Elliott SA
33 Leo Torres VIC
34 Mark Malloy VIC
35 Matt Robertson VIC
36 Matt Kanafa SA
37 Mick Rajevick
38 Mick Zentveld QLD
39 Paul Campbell VIC
40 Peter Hammond
41 Richard Brown
42 Robert Modra SA
43 Ronald Voukolos NT
44 Russell Gunn VIC
45 Sam Parrella SA
46 Shane Staehr VIC
47 Tony Stoppel SA
48 Zane Que QLD

Reserve 1 - Rory Kay SA
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