Well done, Jen. You should put posts like that up about me more often(lol). I was watching a skins night up in Orange before a tourney. It was just a night to chill out before we got into bowling the next day. There was a casual bowler bowling a few lanes away from everyone. He bowled the ball, i think it hit the bumper, bounced on the lane to the left of his lane...and...STRIKE!!! The whole place went up, laughin' at this guy! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Three things about me:-
1)A couple of weeks ago, half way through my shot, i tried to bend down onto my knee, totally forgetting that i had a bowling ball behind me. WHACK! I hit my left leg hard, and went down to the floor like a ton of bricks. Now i know what it's like to lie down on a bowling lane.
2) I had been bowling at Warrawong bowl on the weekend, and it was my first time back at Strikezone. Bowling in practice, i was trying to work out why i couldn't slide properly. I still had my sneakers on.
3)I was bowling Illawarra Championship Open Masters, and someone came up to me and told me that i was bowling on the wrong set of lanes, and i'd been told where i was bowling as well.
I can be a total idiot sometimes! Cya!