2003 Victorian State Youth Team Selection



The following is the required eligibility/selection process we've adopted for the selection of the 2003 Victorian State Youth Team to compete at the National Youth Team Challenge at AMF Bankstown from Jan 6 to Jan 12 (incl Masters).

The Under 23 Melbourne Cup will also form the trials for the 2003 Victorian State Youth Team. The Top 4 Victorian Male and Top 4 Victorian Female bowlers, who fill the Youth Eligibility requirements, will be invited to form the Victorian State Youth Team to compete at the inaugural TBA Youth Teams Challenge.

Youth Eligibility to this team is as follows:

Selection is open to all 2002 Tenpin Bowling Australia registered bowlers residing in Victoria (including Albury), who will be over the age of 18 years as at 1st January 2003 and must not have reached the age of 23 years as at the same date.

Bowlers must have bowled a minimum of 24 games in a TBA Accredited League (i.e. CTBAM, MTBA or TBA) bowled within a Victorian TBA Registered Centre during this current year and at the completion of these tournament.

Selection Fees & Payment:

Selection Trials for this tournament are being conducted as part of the 2002 Under 23 Melbourne Cup. No nomination fee is payable for this trial.

Other Fees Payable:

Upon selection, team members are required to pay the following amounts as a contribution towards team expenses (Total $650.00).

$350.00 – Payable by 31st October 2002

$300.00 – Payable by 30th November 2002

This amount is subject to fundraising and other available funds. Any shortfall in teams funding may have to be met by the team members. These monies will provide each bowler for accommodation (6 nights including breakfast), 2 Bowling Shirts, 1 Practice Shirt, 1 Team Jacket, 1 Pair Pants/Skirt, Dinner Dance Ticket, Team Photograph and Meals during the 3 tournament days.

Existing 2002 uniforms maybe re-used with the appropriate ‘re-badging’ for this tournament and the savings deducted from the above fees.

Peter Coburn
TBA State Manager (Melbourne Metro)
PO Box 3010
Mentone East Victoria 3195
Tel: 03 9587 7735
Fax: 03 9587 7736
WebSite: www.tenpin.org.au
Email: peter.coburn@tenpin.org.au
FYI, if you are under 18 as at 01.01.2003 then the above requirement does not exclude you from competing in the Under 23 Melbourne Cup. It just means that you will be ineligible for selection into the 2003 Victorian Youth Team.

The Victorian Youth Team will be competing in the 2003 Youth Teams Challenge. For those that are interested the rules and format of this January 2003 Tournament are listed on the TBA website (www.tenpin.org.au) under the Rules and Regs link.
Apparently, some people have mis-read this post and have come to the conclusion that the Melbourne Under 23 Tenpin Cup is also the roll off for the 2003 TBA National Youth Team.


We, the Vic State Committee, will be selecting the Victorian male and female teams for the 2003 Youth Teams Challenge from the eligible Victorian bowlers competing in the Melbourne Under 23 Tenpin Cup.

These selected bowlers will represent Victoria in the Youth Teams Challenge to be held at AMF Bankstown during Jan 6-9 2003.

Like this year, the roll off for the 2003 TBA National Youth Team will be held early in the new year. TBAL are yet to set the venue and dates for this.
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