2003 Queensland Junior Sheild



I would just like to congratulate the following on making the Gold Coast team to contest the 2003 Queensland Junior Sheild in Rockhampton in January...


Bianca Flanagan
Kylie Poulsen
Sam Robertson
Kelly Norton
Krystal King
Leanne Douglass
Kimberley Haining


Trent Scrivener
Ben Allen
Ben Brudenell
Derek Adams
Nick Santy
Damian Banar
Matt Simpson

Good Luck to all in January and bring the Sheild back to the Gold Coast where it belongs.

Nay & Missy King :lol: :lol:
Hello to all out there reading this, i would just like to congratulate my fellow bowlers in makin the 2003 Mackay Queensland Junior Shield Team....

Tiffany Bowdler
Melissa Dunn
Stacey Proctor
Lauren Proctor
Fae Martin
Elle Cocks

Peter Ziebath
Brendan Muscat
Justin Muscat
Steven Taylor
John Price
Trent Bourke

Again, well done guys...lets bring the shield home and show evary1 wat we're made of...pure class!!! :wink: Good Luck team! :D :lol:

xox Tiffany - Jade xox
Hey everyone,

Am I reading this correctly when I read the two teams that Trent Bourke did not make Gold Coast team and drafted and the Mackay team took their opportunity and asked for him??

Cheers and Good Night

Well actually Nobbsei...Trent didnt make the GC team, yea that parts true but trent actually rang Mackay and asked if he could put his nomination forward, and because of a lack of nominations from the ppl here in mackay we put him in for consideration. and surprise, surprise they took him. So nobbbsei i hope that answers that particular question for you.

havent spoken to ya since sydney....how ya goin, if u wanna chat to me add me to ur msn: bratty_babe_86@hotmail.com.
Catchya lata Nobbsei
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