Ok! I am a RH bowler, I have played for a few years now - 3rd year back after 11 year break (5th year in total) - I HAVE NOT ONCE SPARED A 2-8-10!!! Anyways I have a fair idea on how to spare almost all leaves - even though I still have trouble on *Cough* some
- but for a right hander what is the "physics"/"geometry"/"trigonometry" [pick the correct usage - never been good at this stuff] on spareing it. I have always just brought out the plastic done a backup bowl and hoped for the best. Is the "better" way to attempt a "almost" pocket shot on the 2 (as though I am sparing the 2-8 sleeper) and hope a pin bounces off the LHS wall and hits the 10?? I don't see hitting the LHS of the 2 pin so the 2 pin takes out the 10 will work because the ball veers off to the left and misses the eight! Oh yeah I do finger tip bowl rather than straight bowling.
I know I "should" just take the sleeper, but, if I was going to attempt to spare it what is the "shot"??
I know I "should" just take the sleeper, but, if I was going to attempt to spare it what is the "shot"??