10th Rachuig team announced.

Perhaps it was merely communication/notification that was the issue in Queensland, that you didn't know what the process was before it started. The process itself is definitely a good thing.

That is about the sum of it. To put it as merely, or as a minor thing, is not good. Being flippant about communication in any environment, be it sport, work, any social endeavour is not at all good.

Enough said. Let this get back on topic.

Good luck to all at Rachuig and I really hope that it goes great for all involved and after watching the QLD roll offs, i think we will be hard to beat this year.
Honestly, I think the training squad is a great step forward for QLD. It is a great program and even though I did not make the QLD team (not even close :() I will be attending the next one and urge all QLDers to support the program also. [No I do not work for TBAQ - JMHO].

A little surprised at the 'lack of communication' aspect though. There were MULTIPLE threads in the QLD section stipulating the requirement, from memory it was on the entry form also.
IMO, all who performed their due diligence would have known before making their way to the roll-offs what was involved.

Not sure what else TBAQ could have done except cold calling every household in QLD. ;) lol
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