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  1. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    4 weeks of bowling doesn't count Gary
  2. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    The pressures on you gaz to make the team now
  3. Buzzer

    RACHUIG 2006

    Mac, you mean Walter De Rachuig don't you;) (according to TBA Site anyhow) And whats the go with putting the rachuig forms second to walter deveer - now thats just rude and disrespectfull:D
  4. Buzzer

    Expressions of interest- Tournament

    Sounds good, are you planning on having these tournaments anywhere other than Mentone also?
  5. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    nah no wacky :silly: business going on here. just can't pass up a great opportunity to take the piss out of Gazza although your speech did bring tears to my eyes Gary. (tears of laughter that is:D )
  6. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    Your commitment has convinced me Gary, where do I sign up. What leagues would you reccomend. This is your, no, our time to shine KNOX. come on lets go for all right GLORY 2006. United by the Moment.=D> =D> =D> :drinking: Can taste the champaign now
  7. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    hmmm a winning team.:-k why would you defect from a winning team - now let me put this delicately. TO KNOX!!!!! Baffling no? I have my suspicions Gary but really, KNOX? Even Box Hill has won a Dunn Shield why KNOX? There are newer centres around that will rack up Dunn Shield...
  8. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    Dandenong and once for Chadstone in 1994 - (juniors)
  9. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    Box Hill - Thats Priceless:mrgreen: Cheer up Gaz at least they can't get any more wins in front of you now.
  10. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    sounds promising. even just winning centre, Male, Female and Overall with year would be good.
  11. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    would be interesting to know the most successful Dunnshield teams in History can anyone collate this information to see who the most successful amf centre is. (or non amf - :D ) also would be more interesting to find out the worst performed amf centres of all time. wouldn't it Gary?
  12. Buzzer

    Bowlers World Cup - Moorabbin Bowl

    Put me down for A Squad Patrick, Will drop in next week and put my deposit in. cheers Mark Dodds
  13. Buzzer

    Stolen(?) shoes

    I saw one pair go for $25 on ebay what an idiot.
  14. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    :eating: Nibble Nibble Its not winning that counts its finishing in front of Knox that matters:D There you go Alex - you got your wish
  15. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    Yeah good point Lance. :rolleyes: Maybe we won't have to worry about adding another team - possibly another amf centre may close before then. can anyone comment on this. Tony Goodwin - can you comment on this? Not sure who to talk to down here in Melbourne. if not can you...
  16. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    they will probably just get rid of the positional round
  17. Buzzer


    don't you just hate lock in contracts:D :D :D :D
  18. Buzzer

    stupid rule queries.

    who was the rachuig bowler that said it was legal pinfall????:confused:
  19. Buzzer

    Dandy 3's League

    tonight was the last night. reformation meeting I believe is on the 6th of december about 7:00pm i'd say. i'm sure someone will correct if time is wrong. cheers
  20. Buzzer

    State Shirt's

    well that makes him a 230 average bowler now doesnt' it:)
  21. Buzzer

    State Shirt's

    don't stress gaz, if you have to you can always where you knox shirts. after all knox is now far better known than victoria with the team you guys have;)
  22. Buzzer

    Dunn Sheild/ Rachuig Clash

    The elite don't alway tryout/make Rachuig, does this mean the elite are not welcome to bowl Dunnshield. Not directing this towards you Mickey as I too have heard this statement and just think its narrow minded as there are quite a lot of elite bowlers in Melbourne that don't bowl rachuig...
  23. Buzzer

    Dunn Sheild/ Rachuig Clash

    don't know personally, maybe somebody could post a poll and ask the question how many people bowled both Dunn Shield and Nationals last year. obviously we wouldn't get acurate enough figures but i'm just saying without the clash the chances of larger numbers of Nationals would/should be...
  24. Buzzer

    Dunn Sheild/ Rachuig Clash

    just ignore my second part :rolleyes: in last post don't know what I was thinking at the time. but still I wouldn't be travelling to the nationals if I had a Dunn Shield meet to prepare for being so close.
  25. Buzzer

    Dunn Sheild/ Rachuig Clash

    I here what your saying guys but Dunnshield has a set weekend every year. why does Rachuig and the Nationals threrefore come up with different dates each and every year, if they came up with a date that said the nationals and rachuig always fall under the same dated criteria then other non...
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