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  1. Thorpey

    MTBOV - what needs to be done for more bowlers?

    One thing the MTBOV could do is run a few more tournaments like the Vic Open where the higher average bowlers are not penalised with a negative handicap. I know a few people who would bowl more tournaments if the negative handicap was removed, especially now there are not a lot of...
  2. Thorpey

    Congrats Simon Calder

    Well done to Simon Calder on a great 299 and an 801 series in the Vic Open at Ed Fleming lanes on the weekend. Excellent ride for a solid 10 :evil: , Great Bowling :wink:
  3. Thorpey

    NSW OPEN Squad Listing as at 12th July

    Graham are you sure C squad is full, Dont know what squad limits are but the last 9 names are all repeats
  4. Thorpey

    NSW OPEN Squad Listing as at 12th July

    Graham are you sure C squad is full, Dont know what squad limits are but the last 9 names are all repeats
  5. Thorpey

    Rachuig Odds 2002

    Belmo good post, I had to mop the floor to get rid of the tears P.S. I think our VIC Boys will give you a run for your money.
  6. Thorpey

    Rachuig Odds 2002

    Belmo good post, I had to mop the floor to get rid of the tears P.S. I think our VIC Boys will give you a run for your money.
  7. Thorpey

    Best Pinball or Video Game ever......

    Hey Ref, If your comming down for The Melbourne Cup I can give you a copy of MAME but as for the laserdisc games these are all 1 to 1.5 Gig in size due to the movie file format.
  8. Thorpey

    Coaching Camp with Dick Ritger

    Is this course only open to juniors or can adults attend also?
  9. Thorpey

    Best Pinball or Video Game ever......

    What about Dragonslair and SpaceAce laserdisc games. I currenly have mame with 983 original arcade games(some are clones), an emulator called DAPHNE which runs the laserdisc games that i have (Dragonslair , SpaceAce, Cliff Hanger, Galaxy Quest and a few others and another emulator called...
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