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  1. S

    Bowler Info

    Thought I should Update Mine everyone else has Name: Leigh Simpson Age: 15 State: ACT Average: 198 R/H L/H: R/H High Game: 279 High Series 3: 712 High Series 4: 904 Home Centre: Belconnen Favourite Balls: V2 Strong/R, Roto Grip Spare Tyre Equipment:V2 Strong/R, Brunswick Zone Red...
  2. S

    14lb Plastic

    hi all lookin for a 14lb plastic in the act area doesn't have to be new second hand is good aswell Can any 1 help?
  3. S

    Highest Game to Game Difference

    A Couple of weeks ago, 263, 135, 154 The second and third game i couldn't hit the pocket if my life deppended on it :2gunfire:
  4. S

    Post a "Useless Fact" About Yourself Thread

    I haf 2 Bowl at Queanbeyan lets c sum1 beat that
  5. S

    How Australian Are You???

    You got 17 answers right. You got 3 answers wrong. You'll be apples! Well... nearly anyway. You will communicate fairly effectively with the native population, but they will still mutter "bloody yank" when you walk out of the pub.
  6. S

    ACT/Southern NSW Shield Roll-offs for the 2006 Shield Teams

    Acctually People What I have Heard is: 5th Nov Belconnen 6th Nov Tuggeranong 12th Nov Nowra 13th Nov Strikezone But that just what ive heard its not a definite Ciao
  7. S

    Bowler Info

    Name: Leigh Simpson Age: 15 State: ACT Average: 195 R/H L/H: R/H High Game: 279 :D High Series 3: 712 High Series 4: 904 :D Home Centre: Belconnen Favourite Balls: V2 Strong/R Equipment:V2 Strong/R, Brunswick Zone Red Alert, Columbia 300 Icon, AMF Valor P Tour, Columbia White Dot...
  8. S

    2005 Hall Of Shame

    Tonight i just bowled 7 strikes in one game and still only bowled a 169 :roll: critasize all u want
  9. S

    to win nationals

    I reckon that Matt Sing's got it in the bag almost but yeah if he goes like he has been WATCH OUT
  10. S

    bowling style

    I would love to have Matt Sing's style he's got the power and the hook there is only one word for his style and that word is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  11. S

    2006 Nationals Venues Announced

    This Sux I hate Bowling at tuggeranong and i was hoping to get around australia for nationals but now it takes me less than an hour to get there and i have to stay at my own house wheres the fun in that?
  12. S

    Worst Follow Up Game ?

    At NSW State: 244, 134, 154 I bowled so bad that weekend anyway so i don't care
  13. S

    2006 Nationals

    Does any1 have a clue where the 2006 nationals might be held?
  14. S

    Previous Sports?

    Hey ppl, Just wondering if anyone played any other sports before they figured that bowling was the sport for them
  15. S

    anyone in a car crash?

    I was in car accident 2 years ago it wasn't major but it still hurt a bit. Me and my cousin were driving through sydney after the sydney motorshow and we came to an intersection and we got T-Boned my cousin ended up with a broken leg and 3 broken ribs but i came out a couple of bumps and bruises...
  16. S

    Bowler Info

    Name: Leigh Simpson Age: 14 State: ACT Average: 184 R/H L/H: R/H High Game: 269 High Series 3: 680 High Series 4: 890 Home Centre: Belconnen Favourite Balls: V2 Strong/R Equipment:V2 Strong/R, Sum Brunswick Thing, AMF Valor P Tour, Columbia White Dot Claims to...
  17. S


    AMF Valor P Tour EBONITE V2 Strong/R Sum Brunswick Thing COLUMBIA White Dot DEXTER SST 5's 1xPuff Ball 3xTowels 1xGrip Tape 1xUltra Slide Heels & Soles Ball Polishers and Stretches Sheet
  18. S

    300 For Matt Sing

    Congratulations matty im sure theres plenty more where that came from.
  19. S

    Whats You Highest 3 Game Series?...

    my Highest Was 636 consisting of a 223, 204, 199 Which i bowled on thursday It seems really low compared to all your 700's but its high for me
  20. S

    Lowest Score You Can Remember

    I bowled a 80 Tuggers about a week ago but i had no reaction so it was a bit hard
  21. S

    High Game

    My Highest Is 259 then 255 and then a 251 Pretty bad but My 251 could of been higher if it didn't have a gutter ball in it[/list]
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