2009 Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited Membership Benefits Announcement

Not exactly what I was hoping for....

Direct benefits will immediately flow to TBA-registered bowlers upon joining,
or renewing TBA membership from 1 January 2009.

These include:-
• Membership card, with lifetime membership number associated with continuous membership Hardly an earth shattering benefit and one which we should have had all along

• Discounted practice-game rates for members at all TBA-accredited bowling centres
(# conditions apply) Where are the conditions spelled out? Is this on top of the league member's discount that most bowls already offer their bowlers?

• An extensive Awards program that will seamlessly interlink local, State and national Awards recognition Again, no real description of what the awards are. Thanks for giving back to the bowlers an award program that was firmly in place just a few short years ago.

• A comprehensive accident and injury insurance scheme for TBA-registered members if injured while participating in the sport of bowling, including an income protection component It won't take long for the claims to add up on this one. Can you say "sticky approaches?"

• Access to more TBA-accredited coaches on lanes
• Increased number of coaching courses in all States and Territories Don't we already have access to on lane coaching and will the increase in the number of coaching courses be more affordable to the average bowler?

• A monthly newsletter from the CEO of Tenpin Bowling Australia that will be distributed to the membership database and online via the revamped website. Whoopee!:rolleyes:
as per usual the bowler gets nothing and the tba up's the price of the membership to line there pockets.

so i would like to know why in the hell has the price of membership gone up so steeply. why should everyone have to pay this if there are only a handful of people that are going for or get picked for national selection this is simply not right and should stay the same as it was.

if you want to give the bowler benefits they are going to be happy with why dont you just ask the bowlers what they want instead of coming up with freakin rubbish.
My previous post was written on behalf of all those regular league bowlers out there who want to be shown some compelling reasons that makes them want to send in their $27.50 registation fee for 2009.

Before anyone thinks I'm just whinging about the rise in registration fees, let me say this. I have no problem with paying whatever amount the TBA deems to be a fair and necessary cost for registration. I don't feel the need to get something back for my money, but a large number of league bowlers have shown that they disagree.
agree or disagree at end of the day they gunna put price up and u either pay it or u dont bowl its that simple i will pay just because i love 2 bowl dont really care wot i get in return because i get that from being around great people when im bowling

You are right. They have us over a barrel. We love to bowl, and therefore have to pay.

It just leaves a sour taste in your mouth to have to give it to an association that gives nothing back, but words.

As Wayne said - it's not the money. Just the principal of being conned.
Gotta pay the CEO's salary some how, and what better way than to gouge the bowlers wallets!
The membership fees that we pay to TBA are nothing compared to some other sports. Go and play softball and your likely to pay upwards of $200 each year to be affiliated. I would love to only pay $27.50 for membership at my golf club.

I will gladly pay what they require, as long as it is been used properly.
i will pay just because i love 2 bowl dont really care wot i get in return because i get that from being around great people when im bowling


Does this mean you're coming out of retirement??? ;) Hope so, was good to see you in action for the first time on Wednesday.

The membership fees that we pay to TBA are nothing compared to some other sports. Go and play softball and your likely to pay upwards of $200 each year to be affiliated. I would love to only pay $27.50 for membership at my golf club.

I will gladly pay what they require, as long as it is been used properly.

It's not the fees, it is what you get in return.
Do you get something in return when you pay a soccer registration, a golf registration, a cricket registration or any other type of sports registration? If you do, please say so, that way TBA can get an idea of what they can give back for $27.50.

I know that when I played soccer a couple of years back, I payed a $180 registration fee, I got NOTHING, no special discounts, no free drinks, just the ability to play once a week for only 6 months of the year.

I think a $27.50 registration fee for tenpin bowling is very good, and you can play every month of the year!!
It's not the fees, it is what you get in return.

I am not entirely sure what the fee to softball Australia is at the moment, but it was about $110 when I was still playing. I should say that after you pay to affiliate with softball Australia. You then need to pay you local association fees, then your uniform fees, then your ground fees, should I go on.

The money you pay to your governing body is so they can run your sport. That's what you get in return

What exactly do you want for $27.00?
Would you be happy if you got a family feed from KFC, that’s worth about $27
What about a two tier cost registration system, would that make people happier? If you want to just bowl your TBA Registered league once a week then you pay the lower level of registration, however if you want to bowl Nationals, Ranked events & Tournaments, be included on the TBA rankings etc etc then you pay the higher level of Registration. Just an idea.

I agree with those who have commented that $27 per year or whatever it is isn't that much. My 9 yr old's chosen sport is almost double the membership we are talking about.
Firstly let me state that I have no quarrel about any increase in membership fees - this is long overdue.

However this latest announcement is very thin on detail and once again comes very late in the year. It may be an ongoing document, but that is not a lot of help to Local Associations who need answers now.

For 3 years my Local Association has been unable to hold an AGM before the end of the year due to late announcements regarding fees by the governing body, and it states quite clearly in our Constitution both when we should hold an AGM and also how much notice needs to be given.

Membership dues for the following year have to be voted on by the members, its not something that we as a committee can simply announce overnight.

Of special concern is the new 'seamlessly integrated' award scheme. Does this mean that Local Associations should discontinue their existing award schemes?
We certainly cant continue to operate our award scheme on $3.50 a member.
We need the detail regarding this new award scheme and we need it now.

We also need the detail regarding online registration via Sporting Pulse.
I am so far unable to find any reference to online registration for any sport on their web site.

Please dont misunderstand, I commend the moves that are being made by the governing body, however they do need to up the tempo a little.
I play hockey aswell and it's $500 at our club. But it comes with a few payments like ground hire and other major things at clubs. Hockey uses Sporting Pulse and i think it's great.

I think it's a great idea for the sport. Gillian is having a meeting with our Local Association in 2 weeks time.
What about a two tier cost registration system, would that make people happier? If you want to just bowl your TBA Registered league once a week then you pay the lower level of registration, however if you want to bowl Nationals, Ranked events & Tournaments, be included on the TBA rankings etc etc then you pay the higher level of Registration. Just an idea.

I agree with those who have commented that $27 per year or whatever it is isn't that much. My 9 yr old's chosen sport is almost double the membership we are talking about.

I think people are looking at this the wrong way really. Firstly it is approx 5 cents a week! Secondly we all pay various Insurance, Ambulance cover, RACV or RACQ memberships for which we often get nothing for our membership fees simply because we didn't have the need to use their services. We are paying for something which we may possibly need, just two examples you have a big problem with a league or maybe you have a good day and throw a 300 you want recognised.
Great post Andrew S

I am sorry if I did not explain myself fully.

I am on our local board and am frustrated in trying to support TBA and get the local bowlers to join up. I was hoping this latest announcement could give me the ammunition to go out and "sell"

In our bowl it is voluntary to sanction in local league, therefore our numbers are dwindling.
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