You know I Belmo I can't argue with you because of who you are.
Com on Tony, Dont use that lame excuse
Mate, they players you have mentioned are of course great bowlers, I bet though if you ask them how many events they lost, missed a cut because they were tired?
Im kind of fit, and at the end of an event I am stuffed (long formats) so i can only imagine someone who is much heavier than me.
Tony, your a smart guy, surly you can see the benefits of exercise in all sports.
I mean in all sports (similar to bowling)"a fit an agile body, gives you a fit and agile mind" (thanks to the 12th man for that quote)
To be good at bowling your right....its not just someone who is in shape.
But take this scenario....
Same bowler, same skill, same everything except his size.
1 is double the size??
If he is the same bowler and does everything the same, except one can last much longer than the other and perform at his best of longer....who is the better bowler??
If you are a heavy bowler, this does not mean your not a good bowler....what Im saying is that if you work hard at exercising you will become a better bowler. Your skill wont change, you will just be able to bowl at your peak in an event for longer....
Your thoughts??