Your Thoughts?

Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels
Thanks again to all who competed on the weekend at Bennett's Green, it was a pleasure running the event. I would like to hear your thoughts on the weekend?
Had a great time bowlin almost made the cut had a bad game but it doesnt mata the bowling was excellent an once again the 3:1 ratio proved it self to be one tuff sob
One thing i may say is i was disgusted in the amount of swearing i heard on the lanes but all young so it alrite i spose but i heard a hell of alot of it
congrats to micky great bowling man :lol:
I see not many ppl have given there thought's about the newcastle cup come on patrick an the cowman use where all there pls give out ur thoughts on the event
congrats to micky brando an jarrod
Matti, if I was a soccer pro, why would I be bowling? Why wouldn't I be in England or some other European country earning big bucks playing soccer?
It appears we have talked before, assuming it was me who told you that I am a 'Soccer Pro' then who are you? Your profile says your real name is Matti. Didn't think this would be allowed anymore Graham? Real Names under the Real Names section, hence the reason why its called Real Name.

So who are you? and what does 'f0 sh0' mean?

As for Newcastle Cup. It was a well run tournament, as always, Glenn. Only wish i could have performed better. Ahh well, it let me have a good time on the Saturday night.

Later Da Cowman!
It's not my real name kthnx , if you remmeber i used to bowl in the Chester Hill Nu vision team for intercenter like ... 3 yrs ago now. :arrow:

kinda been 3 yrs since ive seen most. Name was Matthew low then but that wasn't my real birth name. Really i had no idea how "low" came to be my last name lol.
Are you the little guy that went out with rhiannon john?
I remember you,lol
Matti said:
lol dont remind me and yes i have changed alot..

and "so has she" and jessica.. gezzz ppl "do" change alot lol...
I quit bowling agez ago with friends i bowled with.. got boerd i guess , hated travelling to places to bowl. And im tallar now , much tallar and cuter~

And obviously very modest.

Dont remind you of goin out with rhi? shes the daddy!!!
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