Dark Assailant

:-k mine would have to be being asked to bowl in the bathurst country challange team and bowling against some of the best bowlers in n.s.w. :2gunfire:
Hobart Masters about 9 years ago, first ball of the Final in stepladder.
The big crowd is hushed, the pressure's on, the air conditioning slightly humms in the background.
Concentrating hard, takes of...........TP TP TP TP TP Thoop Booooom (Crowd murmurs) gettin errrrrrrr Mattty comonnnnnn CLUNK

5-7-10 :oops: :oops: :oops:

I got my own back though, I chucked 8 in a row after that and won the tournament easily - Thanx for comin' and good night :wink:
HAHAHA well done matty, lukes was funnier at allstars this year!! hehe Mine would have to be last night. At Fairlanes 133, 279, 199 for a 611 series!! haha

mine was funnier???? you didn't even see it... you chose to talk to your friends over viewing my humiliation hahahahahahhahaha :p:p:p

mine would be making the top 16 (even though it was equal 16th) in this years perth cup... and the 3 way rolloff the next day for the matchplay spot was one of the most valuable experiences i could get :D:D:D
Well making the Shield Team on my first try at the age of 14 is my most memorable but it would have to be losing the ball over the first arrow out the 1 board and by the magic spirits from the bowling heavens, snapping back to be absolutely burried and setting me up for the 10th frame which got me over the line. Thank You very much for coming one and all !!!

Peace Chris

Most memorable moment ey....
Well, sheesh......Sooooo many good embarrassing ones but ill leave you with this one. Im a freshman in high school, first year on the bowling team right. Its our first ever match of the season agaisnt this team called Upper Moreland High School, and its the second game. Well, after a 225, i strung the front 10 of the second game, hahahahahahahaha. I AM A FRESHMEN, year 9,f irst year. hahahahahaa......Well, on with te story...the eleventh shot, similar to the above psot, crowd hushed, could hear a pin drop, and i step up on the approach, ready my self, and throw the ball, except one thing went wrong, I PULLED THE BALL!!!! LEft a nasty nasty split, 4-6-10. Heh, soooooooooo much pressure, everyone stopped bowling. I ended up finishing out the year with the top series, game, and average...As a Freshman, felt well. Great moment, almost shot the big 300 in match play...Well, there is one for ya...LAta all, take care....:D:D:D
I have too many!!! Ask Cow and sam and everyone from strikezone!! One of them would be chasing adam svecheimers and falling over a chair in the process....and bowling sydney cup last yr with shoe covers on......twice...
They would probably be the worst ones....
some of the best, making shield for the last 2 yrs and winning illawarra champs 2002.
I'd say the development camp this yr, the best yr of the camp and the best ppl that went....
Thats it i think,

I shall call you squishy and you shall be mine and you shall be my squishy!

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