I'm still standin'
Need some input from those more experienced bowlers... you know, the ones that know the rule books inside out and upside down!!
Our DTBA secretary has asked for the general conjecture relating to yearbook averages and how they are arrived at....(she HAS gone through the rule book, and can find nothing specific with regard to her enquiry)
Is the yearbook average the END OF SEASON average, or the HIGHEST average attained WITHIN a season, assuming the league has been run over the appropriate number of weeks? we have been under the assumption that the YB average was the average at the end of the season.(of course, being the highest average from ALL leagues bowled)
With all the dramas surrounding incorrect averages at this years Walter De Veer tournament, (not that there were any problem with NT's entering averages)we want to be sure that the correct figures are used, especially now that (hopefully) tighter verification procedures will be used for entering averages at this year's WDV in Bankstown. Somebody who has "nurtured" their average at the end of the season may think they are eligible for WDV, but in fact may not be eligible if the YB average is to be accepted as the Highest average attained DURING a season............
One other topic for discussion, though we feel that it probably should be solved "inhouse", we would welcome your response - we have a mechanic who bowls league (nothing unusual there!!) who has requested that he be allowed to bowl in his runners...these shoes do not mark the approaches, he plants rather than slides, and he is comfortable wearing these shoes to bowl in. The problem is, he wears these shoes whilst working down the back. He is smart enough to check the soles of his shoes before getting on the lanes, and the majority of bowlers won't give a s**t about what he has on his feet, HOWEVER the pedantic ones out there can be rightly justified about complaining that he shouldn't be wearing them, we all know how easy grease and oil can stick to the soles of your shoes! As I said earlier, the DTBA believes that it should be resolved inhouse,with common sense prevailing with regard to the correct maintenance of his shoes, however we are interested in hearing what others have to say on the matter. Trivial it may be, but up here in a one centre town, well, you know how it gets!!!!
We await your views with anticipation
Bronni (on behalf of DTBA)
Our DTBA secretary has asked for the general conjecture relating to yearbook averages and how they are arrived at....(she HAS gone through the rule book, and can find nothing specific with regard to her enquiry)
Is the yearbook average the END OF SEASON average, or the HIGHEST average attained WITHIN a season, assuming the league has been run over the appropriate number of weeks? we have been under the assumption that the YB average was the average at the end of the season.(of course, being the highest average from ALL leagues bowled)
With all the dramas surrounding incorrect averages at this years Walter De Veer tournament, (not that there were any problem with NT's entering averages)we want to be sure that the correct figures are used, especially now that (hopefully) tighter verification procedures will be used for entering averages at this year's WDV in Bankstown. Somebody who has "nurtured" their average at the end of the season may think they are eligible for WDV, but in fact may not be eligible if the YB average is to be accepted as the Highest average attained DURING a season............
One other topic for discussion, though we feel that it probably should be solved "inhouse", we would welcome your response - we have a mechanic who bowls league (nothing unusual there!!) who has requested that he be allowed to bowl in his runners...these shoes do not mark the approaches, he plants rather than slides, and he is comfortable wearing these shoes to bowl in. The problem is, he wears these shoes whilst working down the back. He is smart enough to check the soles of his shoes before getting on the lanes, and the majority of bowlers won't give a s**t about what he has on his feet, HOWEVER the pedantic ones out there can be rightly justified about complaining that he shouldn't be wearing them, we all know how easy grease and oil can stick to the soles of your shoes! As I said earlier, the DTBA believes that it should be resolved inhouse,with common sense prevailing with regard to the correct maintenance of his shoes, however we are interested in hearing what others have to say on the matter. Trivial it may be, but up here in a one centre town, well, you know how it gets!!!!
We await your views with anticipation
Bronni (on behalf of DTBA)