win-a-spot tourniments

Deadman Inc

1990 − 2011. Retired 2012 − 2013. Back Again 2014
Just a suggestion, the SPC is the biggest tourniment in Australia and it would be great to have win-a-spots for the SPC in every state rather than just Victoria. I think alot of bowlers would jump at the chance to win-a-spot for the SPC and gives interstate bowlers more incentive and generate more interest in Tourniment bowling, and lets face it, tourniments in Australia are not as prestigous as they once were 10-20 years ago. Win-a-spots could help the tourniment scene in Australia take a step foward and perhaps win-a-spots for lower average bowlers giving them incentive to have a go. Perhaps having a win-a-spot for every Super 6 tourniment in every state.

Thats my opinion, tell me if im crazy

Adam H
The question is, which tournaments could be classified as 'win-a-spot' tournaments? Would it be part of a state championship or a tournament like the Brisbane Cup?
You wouldn't need to classify any particular existing tournament as a win a spot, Weggy - you just do what the Victorian centres are doing now - run a specific event with the prize purely being a spot in the SPC. I can see no reason why AMF centes can't do them in the other states - it's not like we are asking for airfare as well, just the spot in the tournie itself.:rolleyes:
I am sure there is no reason why we couldn’t pick a day and run one or two of these events our selves for that matter.

I mean you need a game rate and a center to hold it with the prize money being paid to the centre holding the SPC. Call it a win a spot and we have our very own.. Get enough numbers and you could nearly also give away flights as well.

Really at the end of the day no-one can stop us from holding our own events, if you have a venue that is willing to host it for us at the right price. Advertise it on this site or others; pass the word around and people will bowl it. All of a sudden we have out own win a spot for the SPC.. It's not that hard, the way numbers are down in tournaments at the moment i am sure AMF or the event holders in mention wouldn't put a stop to it.. Nothing these day’s will happen unless we get off our own bums and do something about it.

After all it’s all about Advertising and having it put in the faces of the public.
Up here in Sydney we have had roll offs to win a spot in the NSW Open not long ago, I'm sure they could do the same for other events
"Win a Spot" tournaments have been held in Melbourne for some time now,for most major tournaments.
Don't seem to be very popular at all.There's a lot of "huff and puff" from bowlers on forums such as this,indicating they want the tourneys to be put on,but when it comes to the crunch,the numbers just aren't there,eg: Northcote SPC spot...1 bowler turned up!
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