Wide Bay Grand Prix - 14th June 2009 @ Suncity Bowl


It only takes 2 revs !!!!
Hi gang,

Just a reminder for those who participate in the Junior Wide Bay Grand Prix that the next stop is at Suncity Bowl on the 14th of June. Please mail or fax your entry to Suncity Bowl, the details are on our entry forms which has also been uploaded.

Alex Hopwood
Tournament Director


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Whats the go with this stop, how many people have put there name down and who?

Hi Richard,
We have 9 entries so far. We need 20 minimum to run so please spread the word.

When will u make the decision on weather this tournament is going to be run or not?

Can we also have a list of who has there name down so i know who not to annoy? If you cant post here, can u pm me or email on wrestling_rat@bigpond.com

With less than a week till the actual tournament would someone please be able to let everyone know what is going on, as some people need to confirm accomodation and i can imagine it is getting very expensive by now.

Thank You

I am leaving the decision as late as possible to get entries in .. we have 11 as of today ...as i said before we need 20 bowlers .. a decision will be made thursday morning on the tournament, which will give this event every chance of running ... enterants are as follows - Matthew Logan, Richard Townsend, Tiana Whalen-Jackson, Nelson Brogden, Mark Richardson, Mathew Whitworth, Candice Dennis, Shaun Patford, Dylan Pettit, Sam Crane and Aden Roffey.

Due to a public holiday today, we have not received any mail. Hopefully we shall receive some in the morning, but i will update entry numbers tomorrow morning.

I am well aware of accomodation issues and appologise for having to leave this decision so late (due to lack of responses so far), but every chance must be given to get this event running, especially after no Kingaroy event.

Regards ..
Alex Hopwood
Tournament Director
We have 12 entries to date, needing another 8 bowlers. I will make a decision tomorrow afternoon and post our outcome. Unless we get the 8 spots filled in the next 30 hours, the tournament will not go ahead.

Fingers crossed for a run of late entries..
we have 12 entries to date, but still need a further 8. If we have not filled these spots in the next 24 hours, then we shall cancel the tourney. I will let everyone know tomorrow when i get into the office around lunch time.

Lets keep our fingers crossed for late entries.

Alex Hopwood
Tournament Director.

PS - sorry for the second post ... computer crashed part way through ... had to use the spare computer!!!!
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