Why do we bowl???

  • Thread starter USABowlerPennsylvania
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Haylo everyone. Yet another post from your American Counterpart... Just wanted to know why everyone picked up bowling and how.
Bowling is and has always been my secondary sport...I took it up in the offseason for cricket back in 1997. I kept it up since then and only got a bit serious about it back in 2001. I have been bowling competitive for 2 years now.
ive bin bowling since i was about hrmmm 7 LOL ..... and i started interecenter when i was 9.. and im now 15 so i bin bowling for about 8 years :shock: .. i started because of my mum.. she did it before i was born and she was doin it when i was in her tummy... thats how i started to bowl
Ever since i was born i have been in a bowling centre so just growing up around it coz ur oldies do it i think automatically ur gonna try it or at least get into the sport.

I started bowling when i was 10 so i have been going for 5 years and dont regret takin up the sport one bit! :D :D

why do i bowl??? well thanx to my entire family thats why. I've been bowling since i was 3 and i will be 17 soon sooooo about 14 years, and i love, but on the odd occasion i bowl shithouse then i say stupid things, but i will alwayz love this SPORT

I started bowling almost 4 years ago when i was 12 in a little kiddies league. Since then my average has gone up about 20 pins a year and i just cant stop wanting to bowl...

...Oh and being a leftie helps :p.

i started bowling after seeing it on tv when i was 4 and telling my dad " I wanna do this!!! "
so this year will be my 15th at it (4th year of bowling seriously) and i don't see myself quitting anytime soon (even after the weekend :oops: :oops: :oops: )

later :twisted: :p :twisted:
well i been bowling since i was 9.
started becoz my godparents managed the bowl here in alice and just didnt stop.
this yr is my 5th yr at nats and im 16, ill b 17 in october.
i bowl becoz i find its excellant anger managment, keeps me from lashing out. theres nothing more therapudic then throwing a big heavy ball down a lane just to knock stuff over.
call me crazy and ill tell u i am but thats not the point :wink:

Hey everyone,
I agree with all the posts above. I must say that no one in my immediate family, that i know of, have been bowlers in the past. I started this off when i was in a summer camp when i was 5 years old on the Navy base near me on the bowling lanes there. It had to be one of the most enlightening experiences of my life. I started off not too serious, but my dad told me one day that if im serious about this, then i should practice more. Whem ma rents were still together, he used to take me almost everyday after school to go bowling. It just clicked from there. I started off slow, and i had to do it all on my own without any help until i was 10 years old when i joined a junior instructional league. Even then, i still developed mostly on my own. You will all see me soon, dont worry. lol.
I started bowling when I was about 16 and a half. Soo.. soon to be 18 months ago. WEll. that was SERIOUS bowling. as in own ball, shoes and some coaching tips. Started because I was told my physical contact sporting days are over with a buggered knee. :) had some fun with Bowling, and stuck with it.
Change of sport, used to play grade football for high school (and club), got a pretty nasty knee injury, so i was looking at other sports :) It's kinda lucky, if the coach had not have left when the season was over, i probably would have stayed on, might be still playing grade football and having knee reconstructions if things had gone differently :D
me? why do i bowl?? I bowl because of the thrill and exhileration you get from throwing a strike, and also knowing that the strike was the one to win the tournement, skin, league point or what ever. nothing better than the thrill of the competition being hot on your heels. you just can't beat it
I used to hate bowling and when my family wanted to go i would refuse to go along...haha. I only started bowling cause my brother joined a league and Dad would take me down to play against him...so after a few years of bowling against my Dad i joined a league :D
I started bowling when I was about 11, so that's about 4 years. I started because my parents bowl. I used to go and watch them whenever they went, then I started in a junior league. I have only really started to bowl seriously in the past 6 months and I bowl in several leagues, intercentre and a travel league. At the moment I have an injury, so I can't bowl for a while. :cry:
I started bowling when I was about 11, so that's about 4 years. I started because my parents bowl. I used to go and watch them whenever they went, then I started in a junior league. I have only really started to bowl seriously in the past 6 months and I bowl in several leagues, intercentre and a travel league. At the moment I have an injury, so I can't bowl for a while. :cry:
Family is why i bowl i guess, nan & mum used to bowl and my sister still kinda does... if your going to spend your time at a bowl u may aswell be on the lane!
i been in a bowling centre since i was a peanut! my big bro's bowled and when i was bout 2 i was a mascott, when i was bout 7 i started my nats in perth. y i still bowl i dont know??? but if i quit now, i will never forgive myself.
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