"Who Is The King and Queen of No Carry"


Who out there thinks they hav no carry......
My worst game would hav to be the a 204....
I went 9pin 9pin x 9pin x 9pin x 4pin 4pin 9pin 4-10... even the 4-10 was was flush in the pocket...
someone pointed out to me that i stuffed up...all i know is that i had 5, 9pins and 2 4pins... and it started out with 9pin 9pin x 9pin x 9pin... forget the rest... and ended up 204
Five 9's, a couple 4's, and a flush <cough, splutter> 4-10? - maybe someone will take pity on you next time and write "MOVE LEFT" on your ball for you. :lol:
Without a doubt Timmee. At kedron, i cant even remember how many 7-10's, 5-7's, 5-10's, 5pins , 10 pins and 7 pins he has left of good pocket shots.


P.s I told you i would get you back for the dinner dance tim
Ide have to say the king of no carry is my dad ... we was bowling at ashmore bowl he put in a ALMOST perfect pocket shot and left the 5 - 7 - 10 :eek: :eek: 8) GO DADDIO BAHAHAHA
no i would have to agree with stuart little on this one timmee has a hard time getting carry.

and what did happen at the dinner dance?
i'd probably have to say myself, they don't call me mr kleenex in thursday night centre league for nothing ;)
king of no carry is BEN HARRISS.... Who better to leave a 5-7-10 at nationals then to miss it all!!! The prince would be Brendan payne, noone has a better tally of 8-10s than him, then the dunce would be mike wilkey, alwayz entertaining, xmas everywhere!!!!

Just my thoughts

Hahaha i agree Cliff Challenger, maybe you two should kiss and make up :wink: nar just jokin Timmee, your heaps kewl don't let Hamish annoy ya .. i have a little secret of his i can pass on to you !! Nar just kiddin !!

By the way .... goooooooooo Krystal's Dad (MY DAD) :lol:


:twisted: Mandiiz :twisted:
Murderdoll said:
king of no carry is BEN HARRISS.... Who better to leave a 5-7-10 at nationals then to miss it all!!! The prince would be Brendan payne, noone has a better tally of 8-10s than him, then the dunce would be mike wilkey, alwayz entertaining, xmas everywhere!!!!

Just my thoughts


wilks is in his final year of his apprenticeship to take over brendan's position...

i wonder what type of graduation present he's gonna give us hehehehehe :twisted: :p :twisted:

Hey all,
King and Queen of No-Carry. I hate when peopel say that they have "no carry", Jesus people, cmon. Carrydown, a common enemy to bowlers today, is the total complete opposite of carry. This is do to excessive oil in the midlane pushing and flooding the backend. They have bowling balls out there to combat this, usually a pearl or polished ball will do, but i find dull better cause its good enough to eat through the oil with a consistent level of energy in the backend to combat the carrydown. Now for the King and Queen, yes, I have had PLENTY of games with faulty carry, worst i must say was 3 weeks ago at Facenda, 50 lane house near me. Decided to drive up and bowl there right, came in, 279 first game, next game was a 188, worst part about the 188, o god, would have to be the fact i left 3 7-10, pocket mind you, shots in a row. This was do to lack of carry, thus me using the wrong ball. Switched balls and landed strikes. Peeps, its a matter of simple adjustment when carry is an issue, i know most of you know that. Well, thats ma word and take care all. :D:D:D
Dan Bunting is pretty unlucky on heaps of his shots. Seriously if Dan had the carry he would have bowled heaps of 300s. He left the most solid 4-7 to miss out on the cut for Aussie masters. I got really unlucky a few weeks back on my first 5 shots left very solid 7 pins then finally getting a strike.
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