Rodentus scientificus
Anyone from up there know? After the marvellous job the association did last year with the squad lists and other online info, this year has been a huge let-down. The CTBA site hasn't been updated since the end of last years tournament. Is the assoc. still running the tourney, how many enties are there, and is the prize fund being guaranteed this year? I know a couiple of bowlers who have tried to contact the bowl for information without much success, and are now understandably wary about travelling from a long way South with no idea of what is going on. With less than a week to go, a bit of info on the website might be nice! Besides, updating the site would give them an excuse to remove that wide-angle shot of the Tubster they still have in the photo gallery. 
Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light on whats happening, especially squad lists & numbers.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light on whats happening, especially squad lists & numbers.