Whats Going on with the Lanes at Keon Park?


Is the Force with you?
It's amazing to see so many 300's bowled at Keon Park.
Great result by all bowlers who have thrown a 300.
It's a hard thing to do.

But one is starting to wonder what is going on with the lanes. :rolleyes:
Or What are there putting in the Drinks :p

(Come on People Everyone is thinking the same thing!)
I know that they have recently changed the oil at Keon Park (i'm not sure what oil they are using now) and it apparently holds up longer.
I bowled last night and all i had to move all night was 3 boards left over 3 games of 4 man teams.
The shot i was bowling at the start of the night was basically there for a good 2 and a half games.
Irrespective of how easy people believe the conditions to be jedi_bowler is right about that not detracting from those who have thrown perfect games recently.
You still have to be able to carry and thats what these bowlers have done.
Some would argue that the high scoring conditions at Keon Park at the moment are detrimental to the sport but that is an argument that is already going on in the main forum and really doesn't need to be duplicated here.
jedi_bowler said:
Or What are there putting in the Drinks :p

(Come on People Everyone is thinking the same thing!)
That these guys are bloody good bowlers?

Seriously, whatever is in the drinks ill have some!!!
as BrenH said, the bowler still has to carry 12 shots in a row, but the condition at Keon is making bowlers think about their shot. i usualy throw over 15 out to about 3 - 5 board and smash the pocket, with this new oil i'm having to throw straight down 10 board and i've had to decrease my speed. there is very little 'area' for any one bowler, my area for example has been cut from a huge 10 boards to ony 2 - 3 boards, now that makes it tough for any bowler, those who have shot 300 in the past few days are just showing these other bowlers complaining about the condition that there is nothing wrong with it.
To all those who think that bowling on an alleged "ditched" condition will return a 300 game every time then they should have a long hard look and think about how hard it is to bowl 12 strikes in a row, little alone how doing it in the same game would be. I would say to anyone who thinks it's easy, then grab a ball and go and do it. Even if a bowler bowls 12 "Perfect" balls in any given game, there are so many ways to not bowl a strike that can negate getting the Perfect game, it's not funny. Many people who do bowl consistent quite often don't get the rewards for doing same. I have noticed that since the new oil has been getting used at Keon Park the massive 10 board area has been closed down and only the bowlers who are accurate or who have been prepared to change have reaped the rewards. So to anyone who thinks the lane conditions at Keon Park are easy, try and do it yourself. It doesn't matter what condition gets laid down, someone will always come up with a complaint saying that's it too easy or it's too hard. Good luck to the bowlers who have done it this week, they are very good bolwers in their own rights, and I hope they all bowl many more 300s in the near future.
its amazing that a house comes up with a good condition then everyone says its a ditch & they shouldn't make lanes that easy......lets face it ,not everyone is scoring well some will even struggle.So make hay while the sun is shining....I think most centres are scoring pretty well even dandy is ok since we had a change of manager the inter doubles league is AVG 10 pins higher 178 -180 now with 96 bowlers thats pretty fair I think anyway........renta
Ok Another 300 at Keon Park!

Something sounds strange down there.
The center must be trying to attract more bowlers I think.
Maybe this is why the USBC is trying to change a few things?

To have so many in a short space of time, something has changed down there.

The question is:

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

What do people think?

((This post is NOT trying to take anything away from the people who have thrown a 300, to throw one is a great effort. It's trying to get some great debate going.))

I beleive there has been 4 300's since the change of oil at Keon Park
There have been 6 300s bowled since the prodigy oil went down James Bowles, Luke Burton, Alan Jacklan, Alan Damino, and 2 for Alan Notman. There have also been lots of 279s 278 and many 700s and various high scores.
The new Kegel Prodigy oil has been down since the 31/5/05 so there has been 5 300's since then. Keon Park is also trialing Kegel Lane cleaner too.

Keon Park was still using AMF reactor oil during the East Coast Roll offs when Alan Notman bowled one of his 300's.
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