Dark Assailant

[-o< Mine is to get on the world seen and showing people how good i really am and being able to compete with the best bowlers in the world
i would have to say that mine is simalar
i would like to tour with the pwba some day
I'd like to be able to stand proud and tall end represent my country in the most prestigious event there is. Just being able to do so would be great, but winning it would be the ultimate.
my wish is for KIM EDWARDS to make a triumphant return to TENPIN BOWLING!!!! hehehe just kidding (well sorta)

My wish would be to represent Australia someday, or even go and bowl in the PBA, thats always been a dream of mine... after close to 15 years of bowling, you start to imagine these things!!

:D mine would be to bowl a 300, have an average of 180 and to bowl over a 700 for 3. 8) :oops:
Hey All

My dream is unlike any other considering i reside currently in the USA. I do not wish to join the PBA, but i do wish to take the roll over of Tim Mack, being a chapion amateur bowler in Australia. I plan to do this as an Australian Citizen being that i am moving there very soon. So you can count on seeing my face around within the next year or two. This is my ultimate dream and for some reason, i see it coming true... :):):) Thanks all and take care.
hey mine is bad
yas all have probely made state but thats what i want more than anythin
it preety bad but its what i want
im 14 i went for it last years and missed
and i want to eventuly get captain for the tassie team in my last year or somthin like that :roll:

peace out
:oops: marsh :oops:
androooo said:
Own and run my own centre.... PROPERLY!
:lol: :lol: lol:
And build it near a cliff, so I can push annoying open play bowlers over the edge with a bulldozer :lol:

Mine is to make a Rachuig, shoot more 300's and an 800 and bowl without great pain.........for once:(
convince Androo to open his bowl in sydney, move here so i can work for him hehe!!
my current wish is to improve.........

i have just come bak from bowling my last yr in under 21s (so im not young wen it comes to the up and coming bowlers this country has) and after bowling an avg thirty pins higher then wat i normally avg i feel i have the potential to improve greatly in the next yr......

so my next wish would b to make the youth team in my last two yrs of that then Rachuig and hopefully captain a side in eccc hehe
my current wish is to improve.........

i have just come bak from bowling my last yr in under 21s (so im not young wen it comes to the up and coming bowlers this country has) and after bowling an avg thirty pins higher then wat i normally avg i feel i have the potential to improve greatly in the next yr......

so my next wish would b to make the youth team in my last two yrs of that then Rachuig and hopefully captain a side in eccc hehe
Mine may be plain but They are wishes for me....
Bowl a 300 before im 18, Captain the A.C.T/Southern girls team(thats out of the question when sam fishers in your team 8) )
and win Masters in nationals 04 at my home centre..... :D :D :D

They are some of my Long term Goals, but the one i want more than anything is For southern girls to win Shield. We have had one of the best teams for ages but no one can see what we can do... If we could win it just once, at our home centre, that would be the best dream come true :D

I shall call you squishy and you shall be mine and you shall be my squishy!

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