Western Open Rolloffs



The Western Open will be held at Richlands Bowl on the 6/7 July 2002.

Rolloffs to win a free spot, half a spot or money back (all dependant upon the number of bowlers) will be held on the following days and times.

Saturday 11 May 12.00 noon
Friday 31 May 9.00pm
Saturday 22 June 12.00 noon

All enquiries can be made directly to Richland Bowl on 3375 1166

costs for these rolloffs is $50 .. 8 games scratch total pinfall.

based on 30 bowlers
2nd 1/2 spot
3rd 1/2 spot
4th 1/2 spot
5th 6th & 7th $50

The tournament is on 6th and 7th July .. entry fee $160 .. 16 games scratch pinfall (10 games first day, 6 games second - no matchplay no stepladder) .. entry form is in the tournament entry forms forum.
Please tell me why anyone would bowl in this tournament?
You bowl a total of 16 games and it costs u $160-(so $10 bucks a game) and first prize is $750.
Please GET REAL.
Just another one of those bowler funded prize funds.
And to insult you even more they send entry forms interstate hoping to get entries.
Please stop treating us with contempt.
If you don't like the format then don't bowl.........seems simple enough to me.....if the bowlers don't fund the prize fund then where will the money come from.......to me it seems not such a bad tournament.......finish 20th and you only pay $50.00 for 16 games......finish higher and you make a bit more......but I say again if you don't like the format then don't bowl!!!!!!
With an outlook like that i dont know why you bother to bowl.
Obviously bowlers fund prize funds, dah, but not to the extent that they do in this one.
Well..that put me in my place then didn't it. You will have to forgive my obvious lack of knowledge as to where all this prize fund money actually comes from. Or better still you could send the address of the prize fund faries to every centre that would like to have a tournament and bowlers every where wouldn't have to fund their own tournaments ever again........
I was wondering when the buddies would come on to start to back each other up. Took a bit longer than i thought.
How Boring
I'd bowl if 1st place was only $400 for 2 reasons, a) I like to bowl tournaments and enjoy the competition b) If I win $200 and I paid $160 to bowl, thats $40 I didn't have before. If you do this over 10 tournaments you end up $400 ahead.

It's a bit of fun and a good chance of earning some money on the side and catching up with friends. Mailman, are you any relation to QBert?
Well said George. We find it hard to find things to bowl in anyway. I know money is not great, but if everybody thought that way then numbers for entries would be even more pathetic than they already are.

Just my opinion.
Mailman that's a pretty tough call, where do you think the money should come from?

Added to that, it's the first time I've heard anyone complain because they did get sent an entry form.
Finally it has been revealed!!!!That prize fund fairies do exist.I always thought they were around,now I will be able to sleep better at night.To mailman PLEASE if you are going to slag off at anyone put your real name to the post,at least that way you might get a little bit more respect for your opinions than what you are getting now,which isn't a great deal.

Till next time
Hmmm, been reading a lot of different comments here. Interesting subject this one.
We all know the problems we have gaining sponsorship, so I guess it is up to us (the bowlers) to support our own events.
Are we bowling for the money? If you answered yes then maybe you should re think why you bowl.

Of course we need bowlers to participate to make up the prize fund, but then again who else will? Then maybe we should encourage our bowlers to support their "home centre" events as well as all the "big money" events. Then perhaps there will be more events for all bowlers to enjoy.

Just my thoughts.
I would just like to inform you of some TRUE facts.

The initiative to send flyers interstate has paid off as Richlands has already received entries with PAID deposits from interstate.

They have obtained sponcership of $2000 for the prize fund (from the prize fund fairy)

MAILMAN you were worried about playing 16 games for $160.00 at $10.00 a game so I gather you did not travel up for the Queensland Cup at $275.00 for a Mim of 12 Games.

I think it is a very good tournament as Richlands payout is based on 1 in 2 entries and everyone plays the same amount of games

Just my Two bobs worth
Gotta ask, Have u ever organised or run a tournament b4????? And if u ever do please let me know, cos if the bowlers aren't funding the prizefund then put my name down.
I would luv to bowl in a tourny for FREE !!!!

No doubt about it George, Fatherhood has made you wiser!!!!!!! No doubt George is right. The questions you first ask yourself before any event is "Am I going to enjoy it?" This is priority one and its different for all. Some enjoy the competition, some the social aspect and some wierd as they may be actually just enjoy bowling. But if you only enjoy the money then your in the wrong game.

Aspley had an event about 5 years ago that was $200 to win $500, but they paid 1 in 2. There were the usual gripes but I thought it was excellent. If you could win thats $300 you didnt have and if you bowled okay you were basically guaranteed your money back.

I cant see anything fairer than that.
a 1 in 2 pay out........
$160 to bowl, and nearly always a fair condition to bowl on.........

richlands have always managed to have a great turn up for this tourny every year,

and with the "prize fund fairy" shaking the money tree, its not hard to decide to bowl or not.......

i have bowled over the last 3 years placed 10th, 2nd and 4th......your lucky i,m not bowling guys

i wonder how the minor events down south are going ??????.........
cmon Trev tell us a little more about that 2nd .. like .. tell us what you bowled last game ?? Do you remember ?? hehehe
well it didnt take long for some %&#@!&^%@ to dig this story up did it graham........

after 15 games trev was averaging 216 and only needed a 179 to take the trophy home.

that "149" will haunt me for ever.

even kenny sheehan had my name on the winners cheque.

another 2nd placing for trev.......
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