Well done Sis

The Reggae

New Member
Just wanted to acknowledge a fantastic game by our little sister Taya Reggars in Friday's (24/03/06) youth league at Aspley

Although it was not a 300 it very well should've been & therefore deserves to be applauded =D>

Taya bowled her high score of 276 with a solid front 8 and a huge 9th frame that left an ice cold 7 pin (fully ripped) she then followed up with a 2 bagger and another HUGE ball that left a much undeserved 7 ](*,)

We are so pleased with Taya's achievement that we of course had to say something!!!

Well done babe, you are rippen it up & kicken arse \\:D/
Let's see this at Nationals :rainbowa:

Love you lots CHAMP
Brad, Rachel, Shontay & Khynan
To Our baby girl Taya,

Well done honey, you were badly ripped off babe.
We know the BIG one is not far off, keep your chin up & keep hitting em

Dad & Mum
Who's a s...! Haha! Well done, you're my HERO!! You were ripped off badly, but that doesn't matter because I know you're good enough to go the whole way and I'm sure it won't be far off!

Love ya lots Auntie Tay lol
Love Auntie Kay :D
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