Well done northern!



well i've never seen a tournament with scores so high right across the board, (no im not trying to be contraversial either :p ) but the fact that EVERYONE is scoring high cancels that out.

just wanted to be the first to say well done to northern nsw boys and girls teams! and their coaches and managers!
you should all be very pleased with 3rd place!

how is vickie? hasnt been admitted to hospital yet? haha :p

i wish i was still a junior hey :p, but thats life.

and well done to josh and jess as captains! it isnt easy to keep 14 people close for 10 days but _looks_ like you guys pulled it off :)

good luck in the masters if anyone qualifies!

ps. well done to bee for the 300 too! and stephen ball with a 299? awesome effort in the hardest junior competition in australia!!!
Thanks Pat !! i no we had a lot of disbelievers ou there but we went out & did our best & came up with a good result. We had a great team this year & it wasn't hard for us all to get along for the 10 days - no problems at all - we are a really close group. I would like to say thanks to our coaches and managers. Especially to Barry Walsh who came in time to pull us togetha for shield & put in a lot of hard work in the lead up. Kevin Brawn is a legend - he checked himself out of hospital to get to illawarra to help us - unfortunately he was really ill and had to leave us at the beginning of Shield but he was a big factor in our success. Thanks to both Kevin & Barry!! AND to those who didn't believe in us HAH!!!!!
Go Northern! You guys rock!!! It was great to see old friends and make new one's within the team...i just hope you all had as great of time as i know i did!

Congrats on the good bowling and bloody awesum competition for both the boys and girls teams! Jess and Josh from wat i could see you two were the well deserved captains...good luck for future bowling tourny's...until i see you next...

But mostly i wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all of you that helped to make my last ever nationals as a junior, the best one out of the six i have attended....Love you all and i'll miss you heaps!

Keep on :lol: ing
Keep up the great bowling
C Ya's round....
Tiffany Jade
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