weird styles


joshua bulow

i would just like to know who you think has the weirdest styles.

I don't think that "weird" styles describes some bowlers. I would go so far as to say "individual" styles to describe bowlers. For example, Belmo bowls with both hands, a style that some people might find weird, but personally I think that it's totally awesome. Seeing him bowl for our Pressie Shield zone (NSW Central) and winning games when it counted (Final game of shield Canberra Nationals, Aussie Junior Masters Final, Canberra Nationals) leads me to believe that bowlers do not have weird styles, it's the scores that count and the consistancy to which these styles can be utilised. I would be interested to hear anyone elses thoughts on this...

Yes....there are some "weird" styles around, but what is the object of the game?? To knock down more pins than anyone else. Now I know that I'm far from text-book, but it works, just like Belmo's two handed style.

I don't care if you bowl right handed, left handed, 2 hands, forwards, backwards, through your legs or standing on your bloody head....if it works......GOOD. As long as you can repeat it under pressure, it's the right style for you.
Hmmmm.....dodgy leverage weight I think that is called.

Remind me never to throw a shot with one of your balls again!
i suppose you are write big brother about know body has weird styles just as long as it helps knock the pins down. and belmo does have an awesome shot.
howdy doodie

i have heard people sayin i bowl wierd hehe
dont worry me tho cos it works (SOME of the time anyway)

belmo and ant's (morrel? cant spell sorry)styles rock!! weird or not they just rock!

off the top of my head i cant think of any1 else... o well...
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