Tazzie Devil
Can someone please tell me more about this rule
No one will mark on or will introduce on any part of the approach or lane any substance that will have a tendency to injure, disfigure or place the approach or lane in such condition as to detract from the possibility of other bowlers being able to take advantage of the usual conditions. The use of such substances as aristol, talcum powder, pumice, resin, etc, on shoes; the use of soft rubber soles and heels that rub off, and in any manner alter the normal conditions of the approach are strictly prohibited.
I have recently joined a league in Western Australia and the centre manager at this centre has aloud innapropriate footwear to bowl in leagues and tournaments. I find the approaches are very sticky and dirty to bowl on. I have gone to the centre manager and the president of the assocation and they both said that the problem is in my head and to slide, I should put a sock our my bowling shoes. I have also been told if I take this matter any further I would be banned from the bowl, and everyone else who has brought up this matter has also been told the same thing.
Can anyone help me with this matter or do I just give up bowling because its killling me knees. The closest other bowling centre to me is about 100kms away.
No one will mark on or will introduce on any part of the approach or lane any substance that will have a tendency to injure, disfigure or place the approach or lane in such condition as to detract from the possibility of other bowlers being able to take advantage of the usual conditions. The use of such substances as aristol, talcum powder, pumice, resin, etc, on shoes; the use of soft rubber soles and heels that rub off, and in any manner alter the normal conditions of the approach are strictly prohibited.
I have recently joined a league in Western Australia and the centre manager at this centre has aloud innapropriate footwear to bowl in leagues and tournaments. I find the approaches are very sticky and dirty to bowl on. I have gone to the centre manager and the president of the assocation and they both said that the problem is in my head and to slide, I should put a sock our my bowling shoes. I have also been told if I take this matter any further I would be banned from the bowl, and everyone else who has brought up this matter has also been told the same thing.
Can anyone help me with this matter or do I just give up bowling because its killling me knees. The closest other bowling centre to me is about 100kms away.