Ways to prevent sandbagging



Ok so we all know what sandbagging is
but how can we prevent it from happening. Yeah tourny directors can take year book averages but that doesnt always work. Im not sure there is a way that can effectively wipe out sandbagging from our sport.

Do you have any suggestions or ways that sandbagging can be stopped in our sport. Ill be glad to see what your thoughts are.

Honestly, i dont think it can be stopped. However Sandbagging can only done effectivly by bowlers that now they can go out and bowl a 190 odd ave and want to win so badly in a lower handicapped division that they must 'cheat' to win, so in league they bowl s h i t for quite a while(depending on how long the league has been going for) but they must do this in every league they compete in for a lengthy period of time, what i cant understand is, how can people do this to start with?? i know i cant purposely bowl bad, i just cant. i cant go out and aim to not hit the 10 pin for three games i cant do it,i dont y, but to have to want to win so badly that u would rather compete in A/B grade when ur a open/Classic bowler and then bowl well to win have the prize money and half the confidnence just doesnt make sense to me. But also it can be quite hard to pick out the sandbaggers from the bowler having a damned good day, i do believe this topic has been touched in another subject, it will near impossible to stop and even harder to make the desicion for say a tourny director to rule against a bowler bowling above average, thye must ask themselves-Are they just having a good day?? or r thye having a normal and sandbagged before hand.
Also to a yearbook of aves, this would b very hard to use, esecially in juniors, cos some Juniors fly up the ranks and other take a little longer to fly up the averages ranks and so it could be ahrd to decide if they sandbagged, but like i sed b4, it only affects the rstricted and A?? Masters and if the Open master bowlers really want to win a lower masters, well they pretty bad arent they??

Later Da Cowman
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