Was Ipswich a sanctioned tournament?


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Just wondering if it was or not, it would be a shame for Duncan's 300 not to be counted. A tournament, scratch or handicap costs only $20 or so to sanction. I can't see anything on the entry flyer, hope Ipswich paid their $20...............

Can someone from Ipswich confirm it was sanctioned please, I'm sure Duncan would like to know too
and the answer is NO

too bad on Duncan's 300, I'm sure he would have liked to claim that one..........
I thought Australian and Rachuig reps werent allowed to bowl in unsanctioned events ? Or is that just in unsanctioned centres ?
Thats a great question Graham, let me ask some people...........

I feel sorry for Duncan, through no fault of his own his 300 doesnt count........
There is no mention of unsanctioned leagues or tournaments in the Rachuig eligibility rules. However this new rule was recently introduced.

Centre Registration Policy

From July 1st 2004:
Any bowler who competes in a league in a centre listed as “suspended” will not be able to count those league games towards any quota required to achieve State/National team selection eligibility.

Guess this means you can breathe again George. :D
$20 dollars doesnt seem like much to make sure everything is covered. Maybe Ipswich will look after Duncan and offer him some kind of an award? Maybe
Hammer stop it, your killing me........... That was a good one, do you have any more jokes?

In seriousness, if you own a centre or are a tournament director please do the right thing and sanction the tournament. It's only $20 and the bowlers who are supporting you can have their acheivments recognised. Just because the centres pay their 'Lane Registration Fee' and are a sanctioned centre doesnt mean every honor score will be counted. The tournament or event has to be sanctioned for scores to be recognised (and before someone asks, leagues are covered in sanctioned centres).

Bad luck Duncan..........

Your concern for Duncan is noble; I'm sure he feels much better now.

Although the tournament was not sanctioned, Duncan will still receive his much deserved 300 plaque from TBA even though it won't be listed as a 300 game bowled in a sanctioned league or tournament. Yes, this is a shame as the fact that we did not sanction the tournament was an oversight on our part - not a deliberate action to avoid paying $20 as you might like to think.

Bottom line is Duncan bowled a great 300 game, had an outstanding day bowling at our centre and went home with $710. Good on him!

Thanks for your concern and support.
I dont see how you can obtain a 300 plaque for an event that wasnt sanctioned. It's like bowling one in practise, it doesnt count.
Well apparently you can purchase a plaque from TBA for a 300 in an un-sanctioned 300, you get the plaque but its not recognised. Doesn't make sense to me, but hey I dont make the rules...........
Come on George. This is tba you are talking about. It makes perfect sense for them not to make sense :lol:
Mind you, if you can order a plaque for bowling an unsanctioned 300, what's stopping anyone from ordering one even if they don't bowl a 300????????

Guess 300's are really not that important anymore these days.
High everyone. Firstly I would like to thank everyone at Ipswich Bowl for a great tournament. The staff and fellow bowlers really made it a good day out(as well as the win). To all the bowlers in squad B who helped over the line in the 8th game, a
huge thanks to U all. It means a lot to me.

BUT to the subject at hand......

This is not the first time I have been unlucky to have bowled a 300 and find out later that it was unsanctioned. On August 21st 1995 at Suncity Bowl I throw my first 300. Later told that the league I was bowling in was not sanctioned. I felt let down by the bowl(I believed that all leagues were sanctioned, and was wrong), but was rewarded anyway with cash and a trophy.

I am now 10 years older and should be 10 years wiser. I understood that when a tournaments rules say that U are bowling under TBA rules and regs, that ment it was sanctioned.
I was Wrong.
I only started back bowling 2 years ago. Decided to give the SPORT a red hot go again 3 months ago. Found my coach from junior days, Keith Ayliffe and he agreed to help me again. I have bowled in the Twin Tours 3 times and Decided to bowl the Ipswich Cup as my, as U say, Comeback to tournament bowling.

I never in my wildest dreams thought of or expected to bowl a 300 so soon(or ave 210 scratch). For me the thrill was amazing, as it should be for anyone who bowls 1 or 20 or 100.The sanctioning is disappointing. I have spoken to Dean from Ipswich Superbowl and I exept that NO DELIBERATE mistake was made(FOR THE RECORD The ball was fine). The fact that he took the time to find out if I could recieve anything was most appreciated. I have exepted the situation. I know as do all those who were there, I was , and still am on cloud 9 about the game.

To George, The Spanner, Andrew S,Hammer and everyone who I have spoken to and have congradulated me in the last , THANK-YOU for your support. It may not count on the national data-base, but on my wall at home, when my RED ALERT PLUS gives up the ghost, IT WILL COUNT.

So thanks again to Dean and all the staff at the Ipsich Superbowl and all those who feel I have been hard done by.I dont feel hard done by, just maybe unlucky.

So to those bowling the Twin Tours on Nov 7 I will see U there.And if U are up the coast and want a real challenge, let me know and we will have to see about a time.

Bowl well
Duncan Messenger
Duncan you're not the first and you won't be the last. The very same thing happened at a Rachuig roll-off a few years ago. Mind you at that time you didn't have to pay for the plaque it was awarded free of charge.
So if TBA are now prepared to issue (sell) plaques for unsanctioned events. presumably we can all go out and buy a bigger trophy cabinet.
See George? I can compete with you after all. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I see IPSWICH isnt going to offer Duncan anykind of an award, i wasnt there to see your 300, but to carry 12 shots in a row at ipswich is outstanding, well done.
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