Wandering Minds



I have a tendency that my mind wanders when im about to bowl. I am find until i take my first step then my mind scans through different things. Just curious to find out if anyone else has/had this prorblem and solved this.
nope. not unless im really really tired, but i do focus exercises and they sort out the problem most of the time...

the best thing i can suggest (a sports shrink would be 1000000 times better) is that you focus on your target as soon as you get set.. if you start to wander, pull up and focus again.
i dont know who coaches you but they should have been able to teach u this!

hope it works. good luck

My mind wanders to and although i haven't fixed it i don't intend to.
my mind wanders through shot options, ideas and every little thing i'm doing could be or should be.
sometimes i count to keep time and more than i probably should i have the lyrics to songs in my head, this is also a way of keeping time and the rythym (no pun intended.)of my shot even.
my mind wanders all the time...although it has improved big time...my wandering mind and lack of concentration is what my mum decided was the reason for me not making central....but i just put it down to patheti bowling(even 4 me) there isnt really away 2 fix this problem ujust gotta get over it...i guess wat mite havehelped me is that ive been getting one on one coaching and my concentration has improved since then
love loz
i have to agree lozz since roll offs ur concentration and mind wandering has improved heaps

just look at last practice!!

my mind wanders alot to but i just look at my target and try and focus on that
cheers luv shell
SHHHH shelby...the head thing..we were talking about the other night....and come on those shots at lsat training were crap well afew of them anyway...u and darryl had a good laugh at the pins falling over...so did i soo its all good
love ya
love loz
i have this prob big time. its seems 2 only happen when bowling league or something though not usually with tournies. the worst prob i have is getting up on my first shot and shooting a flush strike then thinkg wow that was easy maybe i will bowl 300 this game. then i always choke. try 2 take it 1 frame at a time and try not 2 think ahead in any situation. have fun behind the lanes but once u hit those approaches think about what yr doing just my thoughts.
cyas round
haha but u almost beat ur pb!!!!!
i still think its improved!!
dun worry bout ur head ive got a pin round here sumwhere!
but u r improving!
take care
luv shellb's
hey shelly and lozza can use not chat on the forum its really annoying

dont take it personally and i know its not just me who hates it

Hey Colin ,
next time you are down come and see me and ill give you some help with as it used to happen to me .
i always find, when bowling league or a tourney, having one song in my head up until the time i step onto the approach gets me focused for the upcoming shot... and then when on the approach trying to keep an empty head (which some people say should come naturally to me...hehehe
) before i take that first step... also if your not ready to take the shot when up on the approach, theres no harm in stepping down from it, and starting the process over again...

thats all for now....
I still at times have that exact problem that you've touched on.
One way I went about attempting to overcome this was by focussing more on my approach and release rather than wether I was going to strike or not.
My key is bend the knees, through with the shot nice and slow and make sure the hand is behind the ball and push through it when I'm sliding, rather than go around it.
I used to (and still do it occasionally) release the ball in the fudgey, suitcase position - hence why I have left more 5-7-10's than anyone in this country probaly.
But I'm slowly getting better at it......I have a whole 5 revs now.

Sometimes my mind still wanders when I'm struggling though......I still think of which wall to punch or which bowling ball is going to go Weeeeeeeee out into the carpark, next.
Or how many rude words I can deliver in one sentence about how good tonight's lanes are.
I have a rather volatile temper sometimes and I find it rather hard to keep it in.
These are things that are rediculous and I'm making a big effort to try and snap out of that......I'd be quite grateful if any other very hot-tempered bowlers out there might be able to offer me some advice on how to keep cool...I need it.
Have a good day Y'all
I used to be a bit short-tempered, but I'm learning to get out of that now. The first thing is that you should try to enjoy yourself, then you're more relaxed and your performance will be better than being tense, like I used to be. The second thing is that nobody is perfect and you're always inclined to make mistakes, and so am I. Hopefully that helps you a little bit!
I hate it when i'm just about to start my appoach i'm fully concentrated, and then someone jumps on the mic and says "excuse me sponsors league!"

I lose the concentration and throw a stupid shot! silly me!

Luv Em
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