
Active Member
Would love to here if any one was asked about change's to Walter De Veer ave for Men from 180 to 169 Women 170 to 159?
Have spken/e-mail to people in 2 state's and 2 Teritory's and suprise suprise know one new about change's untill it happenened yet T.B.A say on thier WEB SITE they have been asking bowlers about changes for 3 YEARS ( never heard a thing about it in Townsville ).
It's working realy well in the A.CT only 3 Men put in entry's and a masive 8 in S.A CAN NOT WAIT TO HERE WHAT HAPPENS IN OTHER STATE'S........................

Gary :cry: :cry:
Ps:Let us know what the entry's were like in your State

The changes to Walter De Veer were a hot topic on this forum- towards the end of 2003, beginning of this year. I cannot give you the links, as I am not too computer minded, but if you use the search link Graham has on the site (type in WDV), then you can find the topics and see the debate that raged. Suffice to say, the new changes were implemented WELL BEFORE nomination stages commenced for this years tournament, and it should have been up to the relevant State and Territory bodies to ensure that previously eligible WDV bowlers, as well as currently eligible bowlers were kept informed of the changes.

To say that there are a lot of unhappy bowlers is an understatement - I would be lying if I said that I was not among those number - however, the changes have been made in the best interests of the competition - for the last few years it has been blatantly obvious that some competitors should NOT have been in the graded challenge. TBA in conjunction with State managers, WDV managers and some bowler interaction have made the changes rather than see the demise of the Walter Deveer Tournament - whether the changes are successful we can only wait and see what happens at this years Nationals. Rules are made to be changed, and I am sure that they will be looked at again following this years event, and any positive changes can be implemented if need be. If you have any thoughts, then you need to be directing them to the Rules and Ethics committee at TBA.

Broni Morgan - former WDV bowler :cry:
Thank's for your reply. Hope De Veer dosen't vanish but what got my goat was it was said we were informed. Yes thing's change
but please explain it better is all i ask!
Once again thank's for your reply.............

Gary :x

For what its worth there was a survey conducted at the Nationals in Townsville. As to the previous 3 years data tracking I cannot say whether it happend or not.

The problem we have is that the Walter Daveer gradings were aligned to averages who traditionally do not compete on a National scale. This I think was the part of the process that needed to be looked at more carefully.

It's all right to allign the gradings according to bowler feedback but one also has to look at realities as well. There will always be those who try to cheat the system. Whether we allow them to dictate how we run representative events is always going to be a controversial topic. It is also hard to ever know if you have got the right formulae in place.

I guess we will have to wait to see if the new format is greeted successfully by the bowlers. If it is not then the means to prevent the demise of the Walter Daveer may unfortunately also cause its downfall.

Hi Terry thank's for your reply. I too filled out the survey in Q.L.D but i dont recall anything about change's to De Veer!!!
The only talk i heard about was De Veer was the ave may go to 184 for men not to sure for women.
Don't be to negative about the demise in De Veer if this does not work we have to find a better balance for all bowler's under Rachuig standed.
If i reccall the most entry's in the national's was in A grade.

Let the debate continue Gary.....

There has been alot of debate going on about all the changes to the Walter De Veer tournament. I think alot of people were horrified to find the average changes but also the cut of handicap too. At least we now only have one change to deal with but it will keep alot of bowlers rolling off. I am not sure what the tournament will be like this year and only time will tell but the number of bowlers rolling off will be down.
In SA ladies we have always had alot with lower averages (14 rolling off) so there is not alot of changes but our men dont have to do much to be in the team (8 bowlers) and then we had to beg.
I am one of the lucky ones still having a chance to make the team. :D
There will be alot of friends that I have made through De Veer that will be missing this year! :cry:

For those not there ...

There was another forum held by TBA before the De Veer tournament this year.

The main point brought up was to increase the handicap limits, to include the 184 average for the men. It was almost unanimously voted for by the bowlers, and, following this, I understand that PC has completed a report and made recommendations to the board on this basis.

hi everyone,

I have just got back from Melbourne after representing Queensland South at Walter De Veer. What a great time it was. I am a low average bowler and was encouraged to have a go at De Veer because of the changes that were made this year. Now I have been to my first State Championships and my first Nationals!!!

To all you other low average bowlers out there I encourage you to give this a go next year as I had the time of my life, it is so much fun and you meet some wonderful people.

To my fellow Queensland South team mates a huge thankyou for your freindship and support, it is a memory that will stay with me forever!!!! :lol: :D :lol:


I like multi-millionairs
we like strikes and we like spares!!!!
Thank's Spanner
When if you know, when we will find out about the change's? When do the Board meet?

Gary. :D
I have no idea when the board meet, but i would suggest it might be just after the nationals. You'd think they would meet to review the events just gone.

That would be my guess ... but I've been mistaken before.
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