Victoria get 39 men rolling off for Rachuig


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Why is it we can only get 9? Maybe their doing something different in regards to nominations? Yes their costs will be down as it is in Victoria this year but 39 is a big number, I can't ever remember that many people ever nominating. Whats the secret?
Hi George,

The price is not that low for the Vic's even though hosting the event. Still expected to find approx $1500.00 per member.

Maybe it is the format they are trialling this year.

24 games, no cut, if you nominate you bowl all 4 days, and bowl all 24 games.

Strange format though. 4 games qualifying. field divided into 2 groups. (odds in 1 evens in another - 1,3,5,7,.... & 2,4,6,8,....) they then bowl 19 games of matchplay against the other bowlers in thier gorup ( 2 groups of twenty). Then a positional round to finish with. 20 bonus for win, 10 for draw.

Possibly more bowlers had a go as they would not miss the cut, as no cut.
Just to give Qld bowlers a rough idea of how our costs were estimated, these are the expenses we worked out per bowler.

Accommodation 316
Uniforms 150
Bus & Trailer 120
Admin (TBAQ) 11
Petty Cash 11
Team Food 3 days 32
SQ Zone Champ team entry 22
Nationals team entry 30
Lineage, Registration, Dinner tickets, photos 122
Sport Therapist 28
Raffle tickets & Prize 68
Yearly admin fee (TBAQ) 19

This is only an estimate (the accommodation has not been booked so we can only guess that) however it does give you some idea of the expenses involved.
hey andrew what are the numbers for both teams? Do the women have enough for there roll off?

And is it possible to know the people that did put in nominations for the mens and ladies? Just to show who really cares about our states bowling.

Stephen B
Stephen we are going to announce that on Monday afternoon after the mail comes in. Anything postmarked before the close-off date will be accepted. Could be there are entries that were posted on Friday.
chucky just because people haven't nominated doesn't mean they don't care about bowling in queensland, alot including myself would love to bowl for queensland but with the cost and the time u have to take off work to represent your state it just isn't possible. there are allso the people out there that have represented in the past and feel that they don't need to do it again.

good luck to all that have nominated and i am sure they will do there best for queensland.
sorry it was a poor choice of words for what i was trying to say.

I can see from how well things like the twin tour and sports series that alot of people care about bowling in Queensland. Thats was not what i was meaning. sorry for that.

it just gets frustrating when you see the southern states have so many and alot of them are there top bowlers and yet we struggle just to make enought for a roll off. I know its not cheap and very time consuming. Its not easy for alot of people. I know it is real hard for me to do uni full time work part time. with league and other expenses its not easy. But i will do anything to try and represent my state.

but sorry about my choice of words earlier.
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