At this stage there is 1 spot left in B sqaud and 25 left in A squad, all squads must be filled before we re-open B squad. Please note that the handicap bowlers must have their average verification as at the 31/12/2005.
My email address is or postal S.Raphael, P.O. Box 1069, Lalor Vic 3075.
Squad A Taiya Bagley (H)
Ingrid Coburn (S)
Kathy Hangan (H)
Jean Hird (S)
Julie Hird (S)
Susanne Jack (S)
Lucy Jones (H)
Jeanette Kent (H)
Betty Maude (H)
Broni Morgan (H)
Cheryl Naylor (H)
Lisa Notman (H)
Bronwyn Robinson (S)
Linda Todd (H)
Melanie Warington (S)
Amy Farrell (H)
Sally Kerr (S)
Squad B
Jeanette Baker (S)
Narelle Baker (S)
Lee Booth (S)
Robyn Bull (H)
Tarah Bull (H)
Jenny Camilleri (S)
Sue Cassell (S)
Christine Clark (S)
Tamara Darmenia (S)
Jeanette Davis (H)
Theresa Drew (H)
Tracey Farquharson (H)
Ann-Marie Godfrey (H)
Kristi Godfrey (S)
Lana Hart (H)
Sharon Iacono (H)
Clarie Johnson (S)
Kimberley Johnson (S)
Sue Jones (S)
Cindy Kerrison (S)
Sarah Knowland (S)
Katie Kotteakos (S)
Cheryl Langlands (S)
Joanne Law (S)
Jessica Lawrence (S)
Kim Lobb (S)
Tracey Madden (S)
Sue Mc Kay (H)
Lorraine Miller(H)
Cheryl Munson (S)
Chris Niquet (S)
Ann-Maree Putney(S)
Sue Raphael(S)
Emily Robertson(S)
Jessica Ryan (S)
Cassie Staudinger(S)
Vicki Taylor(H)
Natarsha Vella(S)
Mary Dobbs (S)
Petroula Kosmidis (S)
Amanda DeLange (H)
Sue Raphael (Tournament Director)
My email address is or postal S.Raphael, P.O. Box 1069, Lalor Vic 3075.
Squad A Taiya Bagley (H)
Ingrid Coburn (S)
Kathy Hangan (H)
Jean Hird (S)
Julie Hird (S)
Susanne Jack (S)
Lucy Jones (H)
Jeanette Kent (H)
Betty Maude (H)
Broni Morgan (H)
Cheryl Naylor (H)
Lisa Notman (H)
Bronwyn Robinson (S)
Linda Todd (H)
Melanie Warington (S)
Amy Farrell (H)
Sally Kerr (S)
Squad B
Jeanette Baker (S)
Narelle Baker (S)
Lee Booth (S)
Robyn Bull (H)
Tarah Bull (H)
Jenny Camilleri (S)
Sue Cassell (S)
Christine Clark (S)
Tamara Darmenia (S)
Jeanette Davis (H)
Theresa Drew (H)
Tracey Farquharson (H)
Ann-Marie Godfrey (H)
Kristi Godfrey (S)
Lana Hart (H)
Sharon Iacono (H)
Clarie Johnson (S)
Kimberley Johnson (S)
Sue Jones (S)
Cindy Kerrison (S)
Sarah Knowland (S)
Katie Kotteakos (S)
Cheryl Langlands (S)
Joanne Law (S)
Jessica Lawrence (S)
Kim Lobb (S)
Tracey Madden (S)
Sue Mc Kay (H)
Lorraine Miller(H)
Cheryl Munson (S)
Chris Niquet (S)
Ann-Maree Putney(S)
Sue Raphael(S)
Emily Robertson(S)
Jessica Ryan (S)
Cassie Staudinger(S)
Vicki Taylor(H)
Natarsha Vella(S)
Mary Dobbs (S)
Petroula Kosmidis (S)
Amanda DeLange (H)
Sue Raphael (Tournament Director)