Unusual spectator....


I'm still standin'
They say it takes a special type of person to come into a bowling alley and watch as the bowlers do their stuff - exciting during a tournament, but not, you would expect, as exciting during league.

Last night at Caboolture, the excitement came at the end of the night when it was discovered that a 1 metre (or thereabouts) carpet snake was curled up on a ball ramp on lane 18.......minding his own business and watching the balls go down.

Our very own Darren "Steve Irwin" Gallagher proved a very deft hand with a broom stick, lifting the snake off the ramp, and stopping him from escaping down the back, before expertly picking him up behind the head (as they do on the telly) and taking him outside to the bushland behind the bowl - and not a puncture wound insight!

Could have been interesting if he had been found while league was still in progress.......;)
Always knew Dazza was good with snakes that wern't his.....did anyone follow him out side to make sure he just let it go?????? Did he walk back in with a smile????? Not trying to say anything here, but it is Dazza we are talking about !!!!:eek::(:eek:
Listen here you boys !!!! Dazza is my hero - calm, cool and collected whilst some of us were 15 lanes away - Broni has described the rest. You are just couch potatoes who just don't understand total bravery - LOL !

You make a good point Flower,:surrender: I was just a bit worried for the wild-life....after all with his reputation...I mean it was a very attractive looking dolphin, but the Sea world suspension still stands?????:rolleyes:;)
" CRIKEY " Dazza, Was he a little beauty or what?? All I know is that you inspired dave so much that he birdied the 17th at pine rivers on Saturday. Well dane Dazza!!!!
Mate, what a little ripper! He was beauuuuuudiful!!! And I just sent him on his way with a kiss...... honest!!
Apparently he came back looking for me last night, but Batesy chased him off before I got there! I think he was jealous...
Unlucky mate..I've heard Batsey is a bit jealous of even an averaged sized snake:p...but don't worry, for a tongue like that he will be back:tongue4:...I know I would!!!!:whistling:
Hahahahahahahahahaaarrrrr. . . dazza put it in his car to take home for the night. batesy found it wen he snuck it back into the bowl. what an odd bunch.
We've never had snakes, but plenty of lizards.

In fact we have one that lives just outside our b/end entrance, likes to get in under our pit areas. (yummy bugs)
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