Unusual Leaves



Hey Trev,

I havn't got any weird leaves to report, but my set of "napier's bones" computes that there are only 1,023 possible leaves (including some that come close to being impossible, but, as your little girl story proves, aren't). I may well be wrong though, coz 'rithmetic never were me strong point - unfortunately, my poor, long-suffering teachers never did manage to work out what was!!
hey all how is yas

yeah trev u were off by bout 39000 leaves mate, sorry bout that, hedley is right there are 1023 different leaves, unless u count leaving nutin in which case it is 1024, even if it wree 15 pin bowling there wouldnt b that many.........

cyas round

If my slide rule is working properly, theres approx 40,320 different impossible or possible leaves???

We,ve all had them,
heres a few unusual leaves that i've seen of late.

don lindsay (redcliffe manager)
8-9 ....... go the lefties
martina lindner
7-8-9 ........ the coach had nothing to do with it...hehehe
7-9-10 ...... and spared it too

years ago i saw a little kid bowl her ball down the lane .....3 minutes later the pins were rattled,, left standing was the entire back row......ya dont see that every day !!

Lets hear about the real weird ones

OOPS !!!
the slide rule has let me down again.
or was i calculating that for a 40 lane centre, or a 40 game tournament....
i dont know i'm just making this up as i go along ok

1023 does sound more plausable though doesnt it !!
........anyway, now that you've all got me on that one, and i have your attention, you can now post your unusual leaves.
This one almost deserves to be in the book of shame. Mt Gravatt - Brisbane Cup 2000 I'm pretty sure it was (unless there was another national ranked event there in 2000). This was back in the days of the bumper bowling at Mt Gravatt :

1st block of the morning - bowling on the same pair as Carl B and Cara H, I've cracked one in the pocket and left the 7-8
I once took the 6 - 9 out of a full deck.
Drew more than a little laughter from demused team mates too.
A few months back at Keon Park a bowler who shall remain nameless for obvious reasons took the 6 and 9 pins out with his first shot. That brought the house down but then he put his second shot straight through the hole for a 2 miss. I can still hear the roar of laughter.
Hi Trev,

I'm really looking forward to the explanation that goes with the claim that, surely, will come from someone (eventually) to have left 7 pins standing after "taking out" the 5-8-9 pins!!! Any variation on this theme (e.g. I left 8 pins standing and took-out the 5-9 or, I left 9 pins but hammered the 5 pin) also should make for interesting reading!!

Personally, I'm still bereft of any NEW weird leaves to post about so I thought I would mention, for the benefit of new members to this Forum, Brenton Davy's remarkable achievement of leaving 8 pins standing, after picking-off the 7-10, clean as a whistle, with his first ball!!

Brenton was warming-up prior to bowling in the Stepladder Final of this year's Australian Open at Sunshine. They had just dropped down a new deck and Drillman (a leftie) was practising sparing the 7 pin. Just after BD released his ball, the MC called a halt to practice and started spruking about something (or nothing!!, there was an awful lot of waiting around for the TV cameras, etc, that day).

Meanwhile, the ball carries on down the lane and slams the 7 pin fair in the guts. In a state of shock, the 7 pin throws itself at the back wall and promptly bounces back to inflict grievous bodily harm, from the rear, on the 10 pin. Mortally wounded, the 10 pin collapses into the gutter. The other 8 pins sat motionless and silent (as did the assembled masses), trying to fathom what had happened. Eventually, the MC explained that Brenton had just "spared" the 7-10 split....., with his first ball!!

OK Trev, now that I've paid my dues (well,....sort of), I'd like to probe a little further on Matthew Smith's observation about the number of possible leaves if there were 15 pins (presumably, a fifth row of 5 pins) in the deck!! I, must admit that this nightmare thought sent shivers down my spine, ..... and I don't even bowl!! It's not so much the realisation that there are now 32,767 possible/impossible leaves that scared the fertiliser out of me. (As Matt points out, one more, or 32,768, if you count a strike that leaves nothing.) It's the spectre of just how difficult it would be to spare some of the leaves.

I always think the 3-9 looks pretty tough for the rightie (2-8 for the leftie) but how would you tackle a 1-5-13 leave in a 15 pin deck? Or the 2-4-12-14 "box"? The "horrible" leaves are almost limitless, but, given that bowlers (like golfers) are masochists at heart, might Fifteenpin Bowling catch on?

Obviously, bowlers would have to set up their equipment differently and change techniques etc, etc, but I would be interested in hearing people's views on how difficult it would be after, say, a year of practice, to score a strike with a 15 pin deck. A good male tournament bowler should pick-up about 65 to 75 strikes in 12 games of qualifying. Would this stat drop to 2 or 3 strikes (i.e. the inverse of the ratio of the number of possible leaves) with a 15 pin deck or would it be more like, say, 35 to 40 srikes and, if so, why?
Ive seen some great leaves before.

Ive seen house bowlers tip the ten pin off the first shot only and they have taken out the 4-9-10 only.

The old 3-4-6-7-9-10 split is great for the hook bowlers.

Ive also managed to score 8 off hitting the ten pin only, left a 6-7 off the deck and spared it.

The great 1-7-10 leave looks nice too.
Bowling East Coast 1999 (Sunset)

Ball One took 2,5,8 out...leaving me amazed. but joking with my partner, I said the good ol' "Knowing my luck I'll put it thru the gap, Sure enough...... I did... To this day I take that shot as my most favorite, and flukey
Hi everybody,

Here's one for the record that happened to me a few years back. I took out the 1-5-7-10 pins from a full deck. This is how it happened - I was practicing the 10 pin and I slammed it, then next thing I knew was that the 7 pin was falling (7/10 split conversion number 9 out of 17 times converted) forward and it rolled and hit the sweep, bounced of the sweep into the 1 pin (headpin) which in turn knocked the 5 pin over, then the table picked up the rest of the pins left. I couldn't beleive my eyes nor could anyone else who saw me leave it. That's the weirdest thing that I have seen on the lanes for many years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Cont) from my last post. If you have seen the way I bowl you would understand why I have picked up so many 7/10 splits, my lastest tally is 17. That's converting the 7/10 split in practice, league and tournaments.

All the best to all.
Daniel Simpson. Qld.
Yeah i remember at roll offs at Mt gravatt with Nathan Brennan bowling, he got a strike by hitting the 6 pin i was pretty impressed.
hey hedley

15 pins in a deck.........i,m busting my **** to knock ten pins down in a deck .


thats gotta be an australian record for the most 7-10 conversions...well done.
i know in some centres the kick boards are a little more bouncier than others, which makes sparing the odd ones a little more favourable
the old oden machinary that still exists in 4 aus centres are the best for picking up the real weird back row splits....ask craig channdler.
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