Well-Known Member
Strathpine is the venue for the 6th Twin Tour Stop for 2003 - You can nominate for any squad and if you are a NEW bowler who wishes to join for the final 2 Tour Stops - do so now as there will be NO joining fee!!

Will give you a chance to test the Tour - remember $65 for 10 games make certain you nominate by phoning : Mary Flower - 3865 8887 or email:

Squad times - A Squad - Sat. 13th check in 1.00pm....B Squad - Sun. 14th check in 8.30am....C Squad - Sun. 14th check in 1.00pm.

GOOD NEWS FOR 2004: Have had great news from the bowling centres for 2004 - NO INCREASE for Twin Tour for 2004 - many thanks must go to the Centres involved - Caboolture (Batesy is a legend!), Ipswich (welcoming us to a renovated centre and Kegel machine), Strathpine, Richlands, Kedron and Greenslopes - the sponsorship from these centre to us is much appreciated and AMF Brisbane Region must be especially mentioned.

Hope to see many of you at Strathpine and please nominate as we would love our usual 100+ bowlers - have 94 at the moment!!!!!!

I would strongly encourage bowlers who have never bowled the Twin Tour before to give it a go. It is one of the cheapest tournaments going around and for how much you pay the pay back for places is excellent. With a scratch and handicap division everyone has a chance to get back come cash.

Why not give it a go, it's a great tounament and it only costs $65 for 10 games. I know I'll be there again.
Just a reminder - spots still available in all Squads at Strathpine.
So, if you have forgotten - please call.........

Contact details in previous post.

Have a few 'newies' giving us a go - you could be one of them!!!

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