Trouble with selling balls on Ebay...



It seems that Ebay is a place where some things are able to be sold for some incredible prices, yet other things cannot get near their fair value. I've sold a few new balls there, mainly as there is no real other way to try. But despite a low starting price, say $50 or so, you often get little traffic and at best a handful of bids.

I recently sold a couple of undrilled AMF balls (Nighthawk SPT and a Evolution Tour) and only got around $65-$70 for them with about 3-4 bids. I also have a brand new Ebonite Obsession on their now at a starting bid of $95 with no bids yet. It seems that few real bowlers may look at Ebay as a place to get new equipment, and the thing that frustrates me the most is that the fact a ball costs about $70 to land here by sea in the first place is not factored in by potential buyers. maybe i'd be better off selling a potato chip that looks like Ricky Ponting than sell a ball on Ebay. Anyone else share this sense of annoyance?

There is a section right here on total bowling called buy and sell, and an area to enter threads for second hand gear classifieds as well as other areas within this for new gear to sell.

If you put a thread or 2 down selling your balls and anything else bowling wise on there at a price you feel is more than fair then you will get people who are interested in this line of purchasing to look at what you have to offer and i am sure you would get much better offers than what you are getting from Ebay.

You may or may not be aware of this already but if not give it a try as it doesn't hurt to try some other option to sell bowling gear and you may find it more benificial to both yourself and to the buyer who knows what they are looking for.

A win win for everyone involved. Just a suggestion because with Ebay all buyers are looking for bargains not realistic prices.

Michael Mclaren
tickets for short lol
Have you got a picture of Bruce Doig as your avatar? :p

If that is you in your avatar, we have your twin up here!
I have sold some new balls in the past on the 'Balls for sale' forum in times gone by, as several people can attest to, but unfortunately it is now restricted to selling used equipment. I am not a pro-shop, i just have some balls that i bought off Ebay from the USA 2-3 years ago that i subsequently realise i will never likely use. Plus i am moving house as well! I know there is the section that 'pro shops' can sell new equipment, but since i am not a shop, i cannot use that. There's the bind i am now in. I still feel that buyers on Ebay have no clues about a bargain new ball anyway.....

Thanks anyway for the info, maybe the site can allow individuals to sell new balls to an audience that is more bowler savvy than the Ebay crowd.
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