
is retired...
At approximately 1am est on Monday 21st October, Austalia's Male Representative, Paul Trotter bowled the 2002 World Cup's First Perfect game. Just thought we should all know. (incase you don't know, eastern states are 7 hours ahead of Riga, Latvia)

WELL DONE PAUL!! Glad to see the form is continuing!! Keep it up!
Martina :lol:

According to the World Cup site, bowlingdigital, they report that Trotter has backed up his perfect game with a 298! 11 in a row, then he left the 2-8. Things are looking promising for Australia this year. Keep up the great scoring!
This is almost unbelievable!! He is unstoppable!

Trotter has finished his 3rd game of his first block of 5 with yet another 298 game. This time leaving the 7-10. That makes 896 for the first 3. I scared to think what the next two are going to be. He only needs 246 pins in his next 2 games to beat the current leader.... Ummmm, he should do it, whatya reckon?.. :shock:
1291 for 5 games... yeah, not bad!

Paul Trotter has closed out his final 2 games of block one in the 2002 World Cup with 190 and 205. Great effort after his 300, 298 and 298. Making that a total of 1291 for 5. Equals out to a 258.2 average. Fantastic job Trots! He only has little lead of 48 pins over second place CJ Suarez from the Philippines. Best of luck for tomorrow Paul.

Not to forget that we have Amanda Bradley in Riga also, she has finished the first block of 5 games in 5th position with a total pinfall of 1092, average of 218.4. Tough competition, but what else should we expect, it is the WORLD CUP I s'pose.. :D

Block 2 is bowled Monday arvo Aussie time and finshes each day about 3am est. They also have another 2 blocks tues and wed too. Not sure if I can keep you posted for the rest as it's 3.15am here in Adelaide... S**T I gotta get up soon for work. Oh well, it was definately worth seeing/reading those scores from Trots.

Keep up the great bowling!! AUSSIE!! AUSSIE!! AUSSIE!! OI!! OI!! OI!!
Great stuff from Paul.
There couldnt be a better place than the world cup to have a birthday so hopefully he will be able to maintain it. Been a long time since a male Aussie has done well.
Amanda is only 29 pins behind the girl from the USA. She said that the low numbers played dryer than the high numbers.
Good luck to both bowlers and we all hope that you both continue to bowl well.
Rob T
Australia's Paul Trotter has shot an amazing 896 series for 3 games in the AMF Bowling World Cup in Riga Latvia overnight.

Starting with a 300, Trotter backed it up with back to back 298 games to lead the Men after 5 games (1291, 258.2ave). The 896 series is a Bowling World Cup record, and the 300 game the 15th perfect game in World Cup History.

“I came here hoping just to place in the middle of the field, maybe make the top 24,” Trotter said. “It got to me a little after the third game, when I realized that everyone in the bowling center was watching me. You just want to do well so badly when that happens that you start concentrating on the result instead of the action.”

Trotter is leading by only 48 pins from Christian Jan Suarez (1243, 248.6 ave) from the Phillipines. Mika Luoto of Finland is this (1220, 244 ave).

In the Womens division, Amanda Bradley is currently in 5th place, only 29 pins off first placed American Shannon Pluhowsky. Bradley shot 1092 for her 5 games, averaging 218.4. Pluhowsky (1121, 224.2 ave) leads by only 2 pins over Austra's Ivonne Altmuller who bowled a 299 in her 5 game total (1119, 223.8 ave). Pascale Moynot of France is third (1101, 220.2ave), Wendy Chai of Malyasia (1095, 219.2 ave) in 4th with Bradley rounding out the 5.

The women return at 3pm AEST (8am Latvia time), and the men return at 9:30pm AEST (2:30pm Latvia) for their second block.

Scores can be followed live at
World Cup


You are showing the rest of the world that Aussie can really bowl.
Keep it going for the rest of a tournament .
The whole of Australia are right behide you and Amanda, you are both doing Australia proud.
just confirming

is this the same paul trotter that has copped that much crap about not being up to international standard???

a few people around the country definately eating their words right now.

well done and keep it up paul
Eating there words, YES THEY ARE!!
Well done Paul, keep it up and good luck for the rest of the Wolrd Cup.

Just got this photo from Herbert Bickel from of Trotter in Latvia .. This was taken after his 896 - the guy looks pretty happy.


Will have a photo of Amanda tomorrow.
totally awesome ..... that's all i can say!

well done trots .... great effort, goodluck for the rest of the torny!

i'm sure this makes up for missing rachuig!


All I can say is ....... :shock: Well done Paul. All the best for the rest of the Tournament for you and Amanda. Baron
I was probably one of those people who questioned Paul's position and ability. I don't anymore and I'd like to take this opportunity to remove my foot from my mouth!

Well done Paul, better save some of those strikes for the knockout phase of the tournament later. Keep up the good bowling Trots and Amanda.

After the second block of 5 games, Trots is still up there in seventh position. Amanda is 16th, still well positioned to cut for the next round (top 24).
Anyone know if pinfall is still dropped at each stage?

Well done Paul,

Great to see you do so well, and reap the rewards of all the hard work you have been putting in on your game for the last ??? years !!!

Awsome performance !!!
After the third block .. both Amanda and Paul have jumped into 3rd place. Could this be the year of 2 Aussies winning the World Cup ??

Good luck Amanda and Paul - you are doing Australia proud !
World Cup pinfall c/f

Yes, pins carry forward through stage 2, but stage 3 is single-elimination...

just wanna say good luck to Amanda and Paul u guy are doing bloody awsome so far keep it up!
good luck
luv shellbs
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